
Showing posts from November, 2011

Restauranos Adviento 1 B

Oh Dios de los Ejércitos, restáuranos; haz resplandecer tu rostro, y seremos salvos (Salmo 80:7). Restore us, O God of hosts; let your face shine, that we may be saved (Ps.80:7). Hoy ha llegado el Nuevo Año para la iglesia.  This is New Year’s Day for the church! Es el primer domingo de Adviento, fines de noviembre, y a veces tenemos cielos nublados.  Y a veces hace tanto sol que parece el verano si no fuera por la frialdad pequeña que sentimos a veces.  Dios, tu iglesia ha llegado otra vez al próximo a ñ o y de nuevo estamos llamados a esperar al Adviento.  Otra vez, vemos los recordatorios del fin de los tiempos; we are reminded of the end-times , aquí en el evangelio de Marcos. Otra vez me recuerdo de las muchas veces que hemos predicho aquel fin, solo para encontrarnos equivocados.  Who are we to guess at the wonders of the deep?  ¿Quiénes somos de predecir los movimientos de É l que creo el Leviatán?   Who are we to guess at times and seasons? O...

Restore Us Advent 1 B

Restore us, O God of hosts; let your face shine, that we may be saved (Ps.80:7). Here it is, another New Year’s Day for the church, first Advent, Late November, and we have sometimes grey skies, and sometimes it is sunny enough to feel summery but for the slight chill in the air. God, your church has rounded out another year and again we are called into Advent waiting.  Again, we see the reminders of the end-times, here in the Gospel of Mark.  And again, I am reminded of the many times we have predicted these times, only to get it wrong.  Who are we to guess at the wonders of the deep?  Of the God who created the Leviathan?  Who are we to guess at times and seasons? Restore us, O God of hosts; let your face shine, that we may be saved. Yet you call us once more into restoration.  Every moment you call us, and the liturgical year reminds us of this.  As persons, as churches, as the whole world, you are constantly calling us.  We hear your voice o...