Palm/Passion Sunday (A) + A better way + 4.13.14 Palm/Passion Sunday (A) M. Campbell-Langdell, 2014 John Dominic Crossan and Marcus Borg contend that there may well have been two processions that took place on the day we hear about in spring of the year 30 of the Common Era. One was Jesus, riding on a donkey down the Mount of Olives, with some peasants and some palms to cheer him. Another was Pontius Pilate, riding on into town in high estate on a war horse, leading a group of imperial soldiers. Times were tense. The Roman official was coming into town because he feared unrest. A city that usually houses some 40,000 souls was now swelling with 200,000 pilgrims, come to Jerusalem in order to celebrate the Passover. Yes, folks were in town for a religious reason, but this many hot and dirty pilgri...