
Showing posts from September, 2016

Proper/Propio 20 C + Who do you serve? ?Quien sirve? + 9.18.16

( -made-history-forgiving-15-million-debt/1512859/) M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard (Jer. 8:18–9:1 [= 8:18–23 DHH]; S. /Ps. 79:1–9; 1 Tim. 2:1–7; S. Lucas/ St. Luke 16:1–13) The kingdom of heaven is like a late-night comedian and news host who pardons almost 15 million dollars of medical debt. El reino de los cielos es como un cómico y analista de noticias quien perdona casi 15 millones de dólares en la deuda médica. ¿Cómo? How’s that, you say? En un sistema injusto en que los que deben dinero por causas de problemas médicas en nuestro país pueden tener sus vidas destruidas por los que llaman sin cesar para que paguen sus deudas, una acción de este tipo es justo. This is a just action in a world where medical debt can be bought and sold at pennies on the dollar to unscrupulous debt-collection agencies that basically have license to make others’ lives hellish by constantly badgering them. And thus when J...

Proper 18 C +Dynamic, Grace-Filled Life + 9.4.16

Building an altar in the Community Garden M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard (Jeremiah 18:1–11; Ps. 139:1–5, 12–17; Philemon 1–21; Luke 14:25–33) “For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not first sit down and estimate the cost, to see whether he has enough to complete it? (Luke 14:28)” I got to see this firsthand last Saturday in the Community Garden, as we worked together on Sophia’s Gold Award project, and especially as I saw Don and Fernando planning and constructing a beautiful outdoor altar table. It is constructed of logs and an old recycled lab table, a perfect combination of God’s beautiful creation in raw form and human ingenuity that is inspired by God. Science and earth. Wonder and human searching, combined. First to build the altar table, they had to measure everything carefully. They used a level. They experimented with different ways to support it- to use the lab table’s legs or the logs. But they carefully and cautiously proceeded so tha...

Propio 18 C +La vida con la dinámica de la Gracia + 9.4.16

Construyendo un altar en el jardin comunitario M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard ( Jeremías 18:1–11; Salmo 139:1–5, 12–17; Filemón 1–21; San Lucas 14:25–33) “Si alguno de ustedes quiere construir una torre, ¿acaso no se sienta primero a calcular los gastos, para ver si tiene con qué terminarla?” (Lucas 14:28) Vi esto en persona el sábado pasado en el jardín comunitario, mientras trabajamos juntos en su proyecto de oro de Sophia, una de nuestras jóvenes. I got to see this process of planning a Project firsthand at the Community Garden last Saturday as Don and Fernando were working on the outdoor altar. Hicieron un altar de troncos y una vieja mesa de laboratorio, una combinación perfecta de la creación bella de Dios en su forma original y el ingenio humano en que está inspirado por Dios. It is made of logs and an old lab table, a mixture of science and earth. En el vemos el asombro de la creación y la búsqueda de entendimiento de nuestro mundo en la experiencia huma...