
Showing posts from November, 2019

Proper 28 (C) + Living Stones + 11.17.19

(Living Stones Succulent from: item/32250096133.html ) M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard ( Isaiah 65:17–25; Canticle 9; 2 Thess. 3:6–13; St Luke 21:5–19) “See, in Zion He is known As a chosen precious cornerstone And the ones who come to trust in Him Will never know the shame That He bore on that Cross when it seems That all was lost He is a Stone that makes men stumble The Rock that makes them fall Living stones, living stones We are holy, living stones Built upon the firm foundation That is Jesus And as we cling to that Rock Who became a Stumbling Block We remember we are living stones” (Michael Card, “Living Stones”) Today I would like to talk of temples. Temples of stone and temples of people. In today’s gospel, the disciples are checking out the temple in Jerusalem. Now this was Herod’s pet project, a sort of memorial to him. And to get a sense of the scope, you might want to think about the pyramids in Egy...

Propio 28 C + Piedras vivas + 11.17.19

(Living Stones Succulent from: item/32250096133.html ) M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard ( Isaías 65:17–25; Cántico 2; 2 Tesalonicenses 3:6–13; San Lucas 21:5–19) Somos piedras vivas, templo del Señor miembros de su cuerpo, Iglesia en construcción pueblo reunido, viña de elección, pueblo reconciliado, testigos de su amor. (“Somos Piedras Vivas” de Flor y Canto, Letra: Bernardo Velado. Música: Antonio Alcalde) Hoy quiero hablar de templos. Templos de piedra y templos de gente. En el evangelio de hoy, los discípulos miran el templo en Jerusalén. Ahora, esto fue un proyecto especial por el rey judío Herodes y él lo quisiera servir como un tipo de memorial a él y a su reino. Para darles un sentido de la grandeza de este proyecto, deben de pensar en las pirámides en Egipto o en México y Guatemala. El convertía un lado del Monte Moría (el Monte del Templo) en un espacio de alabanza grandísimo. La estructura en total iba a ser 1600 ...

Proper 27 (C) + The Truth + 11.10.19

(from: can-prehension-lead-to-truth/ ) M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard (Haggai 1:15b-2:9; Psalm 145:1-5, 18-22; 2 Thess. 2:1-5, 13-17; St Luke 20:27-38) “Now [God] is God not of the dead, but of the living; for to [God] all of them are alive." I say this with the utmost respect for my friends who are believers, but I will admit that, as a believer, it is my agnostic friends who push me into a better understanding of my faith. When I was in high school, a few of my close friends often asked me pointed questions about what I believed and why I believed it. They could not quite get into traditional religion, but oddly enough they encouraged mine. Because I had to develop the reasons behind why I believed; I could not just have blind faith and be taken seriously by my friends. So I have a little bit of sympathy for this certain group of Sadducees who approach Jesus in the passage we hear from Luke today. They are not sure about t...

Propio 27 (C) + La verdad + 11.10.19

(de: can-prehension-lead-to-truth/ ) M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard (Hageo 1:15b-2:9; Salmo 145:1-5, 18-22; 2 Tes 2:1-5, 13-17; San Lucas 20:27-38) “Y él no es Dios de muertos, sino de vivos, ¡pues para el todos están vivos!” Digo esto con el mayor respeto por mis amigos que son creyentes, pero admito que, como creyente, son mis amigos agnósticos quienes me han empujado a una mejor comprensión de mi fe. Cuando estaba en la escuela secundaria, algunos de mis amigos cercanos a menudo me hacían preguntas puntuales sobre lo que creía y por qué lo creía. No podían entrar en la religión tradicional, pero curiosamente alentaron la mía. Porque tuve que desarrollar las razones detrás de por qué creía; No podría tener una fe ciega para ser tomado en serio por mis amigos. It was my agnostic friends who helped push me to claim my faith as a young person. Así que tengo un poco de simpatía por este grupo de saduceos que se acercan a Jesús en ...

All Santos (C) + 11.3.19

M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard ( Daniel 7:1–3, 15–18; Salmo 149; Efesios 1:11–23; San Lucas 6:20–31) On Wednesday of this week, I messed up. Este miércoles, hice un gran error. It was with good intentions, as such things often are. Fue con buenas intenciones, como estas cosas suelen ser. There was an individual who for a couple of weeks had begun to take advantage of the church’s good nature. Not only had he begun to invite himself to every coffee hour, every service, and even the yoga class, only to participate only insomuch as he rested or consumed food, but he had also begun to invite himself into the private meetings of other groups who rent space on campus. El no solo hubiera invitado a sí mismo a participar en todos los convivios sin participar activamente en la alabanza, pero con el propósito de comer, pero el también empezaba a asistir a yoga sin participar. Luego, el trato de entrar a grupos privados que alquilan espacio de la iglesia. We got to a pl...