Navidad/ Christmas (III) + 12.25.19
M. Campbell-Langdell
All Santos, Oxnard
Throughout the Advent Season I have had the song “O Come, O
Come, Emmanuel” in my head. Por toda la estación del Adviento he
tenido la canción “O Ven, O Ven, Emanuel” en mi mente. Does it have something to do with the
fact that it is the gradual and the prayers we pray lighting the Advent Wreath?
Who Knows? Quién sabe si tiene que ver con el hecho de que lo cantamos
en cada misa dominical y forma las oraciones que también hacemos al prender las
velas del Adviento.
But a certain phrase has touched my heart especially at this
time “O Come, desire of nations, bind in one the hearts of all [hu]mankind; bid
thou our sad divisions cease, and be thyself our King of Peace” (Hymnal 1982,
#56, vs. 7).
En español dice: “Oh ven, de
las naciones tu eres Rey, Y de la Iglesia, Piedra angular. Del barro nos
formaste una vez. Oh ven a rescatar a la humanidad” (Flor y Canto #291 antigua
versión, estrofa 7).
But the idea is the same. Jesus is sent to unify us all. Jesús
es mandado para unificar a toda la humanidad.
And wow, do we need him now. Sí ¡es
cierto que lo necesitamos ahora! Viendo nuestro país recientemente he estado
muy consciente de mucha división. Mucho mal entendimiento de parte de un grupo para
el otro grupo. We suffer
from so much misunderstanding in our world. Groups that talk past each other,
that are so exasperated with the other and what they see as willful
misunderstanding that they just bombast. Hay grupos
que hablan solo por su grupo. No pueden escuchar a los demás porque ellos
sienten que lo saben todo. In our noonday chapel prayer time where we invite guests from our food
pantry in on Thursday, we ask for peoples’ prayers. And frequently now, we pray
not only for our families and friends, but for our country. Pedimos
oraciones el jueves al mediodía por nuestro país. Por guía y dirección y
unidad, en adición a las oraciones que tenemos para nuestras familias. But this peace must come with justice
and truth. Esta paz tiene que venir con justicia y la verdad.
Advent is a time of waiting, and we have now come to the end
of that wait, at least liturgically speaking. Todavia
esperamos a Cristo de Nuevo, pero Cristo renace en nuestros corazones esta Navidad.
Christ the savior is born again! La larga espera del Adviento termina ya y ¡Nuestro
Salvador Viene Ya! El príncipe de la paz. The prince of peace is here.
The light shines in the darkness, and
the darkness did not overcome it. Esta luz brilla en las tinieblas, y las tinieblas no
han podido apagarla. (John
Henri Nouwen, reflecting on singing the O Antiphons that
welcome Christ before Christmas:
There is a stark beauty about it all. But is this not a preparation that can only lead to anticlimax? I don’t think so. Advent … leads to growing inner stillness and joy allowing me to realize that he for whom I am waiting has already arrived and speaks to me in the silence of my heart.
There is a stark beauty about it all. But is this not a preparation that can only lead to anticlimax? I don’t think so. Advent … leads to growing inner stillness and joy allowing me to realize that he for whom I am waiting has already arrived and speaks to me in the silence of my heart.
Justo como una madre siente
que el niño crece en su vientre y no le da sorpresa cuando viene el día de dar
de luz a su bebe, pero gozosamente recibe el que se empezaba a conocer durante
su periodo de esperar, así puede Jesús ser nacido en mi vida lentamente para
estar recibido como el que conocí mientras esperaba.
Just as a mother feels the child grow in her and is not surprised on the day of birth but joyfully receives the one she learned to know during her waiting, so Jesus can be born in my life slowly and steadily and be received as the one I learned to know while waiting.[1]
Just as a mother feels the child grow in her and is not surprised on the day of birth but joyfully receives the one she learned to know during her waiting, so Jesus can be born in my life slowly and steadily and be received as the one I learned to know while waiting.[1]
For what and whom have we been waiting? ¿Para
quién y por qué hemos estado esperando? Un Principe de Paz? A prince of Peace? May we receive not
only the gift of Christmas joy this morning, but hope renewed that the prince
of peace will help us heal the divisions in our world. Que no solo
recibamos el don del gozo del Nacimiento de Jesús esta mañana, pero también que
recibamos la esperanza para paz en nuestro mundo.
For peace in our country, and mutual understanding that passes
understanding. And for a Shalom, a true peace that includes righteousness, world-mending truth and
justice. Para paz en Bolivia, y una pacífica transición a un
Nuevo gobierno justo. For
peace in our world so we can work together to end the trend of global warming. Para
que juntos trabajamos por un mundo menos caliente y más pacífico para todos.
The true peace that Christ gives us is that even what seemed impossible
is now possible through him. Aun lo imposible es posible con la
ayuda de Cristo.
All the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.
Por toda la tierra se sabrá
que nuestro Dios nos ha salvado. (Isaías 52:10)
que nuestro Dios nos ha salvado. (Isaías 52:10)
Merry Christmas! ¡Feliz
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