
Showing posts from January, 2025

Epiphany/ Epifania Year C + 1.5.25

  M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos Oxnard (Isaías 60:1–6; Salmo 72:1–7, 10–14; Efesios 3:1–12; San Mateo 2:1–12) Local author Vanesa Chua wrote a delightful little book, some copies of which she donated to the church, called Driftwood Lanterns about a boy whose mother sadly passes away during the COVID pandemic and who is sent to live in a boat in the Channel Islands Harbor with his mother’s best friend from college. Despite many tragic events, the two find a family together. And throughout the book, they are both guided in their dreams, encouraged in their journey of building a new family together. Autora local Vanesa Chua escribió un muy lindo librito llamado Driftwood Lanterns sobre un niño quien pierde su mama a COVID, solo para mudar hasta Oxnard y vivir con el mejor amigo de su mama en su barca. Tras el libro, Dios los guie por medio de sus sueños. Ella don ó algunas copias a la iglesia en ingles. In the same way, God speaks to the magi, or wise men, via a dream i...