
Showing posts from July, 2012

Poder Justo, Amor del Reino (Prop 12 B 2012)

Viendo "Noche de Reyes" por William Shakespeare el otro día, me acordé de una frase: "algunos nacen grandes, algunos lograr grandeza y ¡algunos tienen grandeza impuestas en ellos!" [1] Como seres humanos todos estamos un poco interesados en tener la grandeza de alguna manera. Es natural. Es lo que hacemos con  el poder lo que más importa. ¿Vamos nosotros a agarrar al poder o lo vamos a detener ligeramente?  The question isn’t whether you want to have power, but how do you use it? Aquí David agarra al poder y lo que él desea y todo se desmenuza en sus manos, todo muere.  Jesús evita ser un rey del mundo, el papel que sería impuesta en él, y es capaz de proporcionar pan da vida y vida para todos. Creo que hoy las escrituras dicen mucho sobre el poder y cómo trabajamos con él en nuestras vidas. A pesar de que como cristianos creemos que las cosas deberían ser diferentes; que debe haber otro orden de poder al estilo del Reino de Dios, no obstante seguimos e...

Just Power, Kingdom Love (Prop 12 B 2012)

Watching “Twelfth Night” the other day, I was reminded of a quote: “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon ‘em!” [1] As human beings we are all drawn to greatness of some sort. It’s natural.  It is what we do with it that matters most.  Do we grasp or do we hold power lightly? In this story, David grasps at power and what he desires and it crumbles in his hands, becomes death. Jesus avoids the power roles the world would thrust upon him and is able to provide life and life-giving bread, for all. I think the texts today say a lot about power and how we are willing to work with it in our lives. Even though as Christians we believe that things should be different; a kingdom order, we nonetheless still end up either being in power or having someone in power over us. Think about your life.  Do you think you are powerful, or powerless?  Chances are you have more power over some and are more beholden to others than you ...

Rest in God, Heal! Prop 11B, 22 July 2012

Rest in God, Heal! 2 Samuel 17:1-14a; Ps. 89:20-37; Ephesians 2:11-22; Mark 6:30-34, 53-56 Hear again, from Ephesians: “So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are citizens with the saints and also members of the household of God, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the cornerstone.” Who among us has not, at one time, experienced being a stranger?  Yet this passage says that as Christians, we are never strangers.  We are always citizens, with the saints, we are always part of the household of God, wherever we go.  Perhaps that is why so many of us find a church family that is our community even when family members are far away or beyond the veil.  We find our home here. But the world still has a way of making us feel like strangers.   For example, the shooting in Colorado the other day made me feel a stranger to whoever could have thought that was an acceptable or even conceivable thing...

Descansar en Dios y sanar Prop 11B 22 July 2012

Descansar en Dios y sanar 2 Samuel 17:1-14ª; S. 89:20-37; Efesios 2:11-22; Marcos 6:30-34, 53-56 Otra vez, de Efesios: “Por eso, ustedes ya no son extranjeros, ya no están fuera de su tierra, sino que ahora comparten con el pueblo santo los mismos derechos, y son miembros de la familia de Dios. Ustedes son como un edificio levantado sobre los fundamentos que son los apóstoles y los profetas, y Jesucristo mismo es la piedra principal.” ¿Quien de nosotros sabe sobre ser un extranjero?  Who among us knows about being a stranger?   Pero como cristianos todos somos ciudadanos en cualquier lugar, nunca somos extranjeros porque dondequiera que vayamos somos parte del cuerpo de Cristo en todo el mundo. Pero nuestro mundo muchas veces nos hace sentir como extranjeros.  ¿No seria otra persona extranjera o extraterrestre quien mato a todas esas personas en Colorado el otro día?  Surely we feel strange when we hear news like the shooting in Colorado this past week—how ...