Lessons from a dying man 3.24.13 Palm/Passion
M. Campbell-Langdell+ Liturgy of the Palms/Passion (Year C) 3.24.13 Imaginen el escenario. Imagine the scene. The songs have died down in the air. The palms are strewn around the streets that have cooled from the heat of the day. Todavía sienten en el aire la electricidad de su momento de entrada en Jerusalén. But Jesus is once more alone. Él está solo con sus ideas diferentes, su manera diferente de ser un Mesías y rey diferente. Jesus is alone—the coats laid down in the Street for him to pass have been picked up and dusted off, coats that will turn against him so soon, so very soon. Pronto estará rechazado su rey, su bendito Mesías. Las canciones van a convertir en gritos violentos. Soon the happy songs will turn to the shouts of a violent crowd. So, alone on that quiet street, imagine him. See our humble king as the man he is in that moment. Imagínenlo allí, solo. Before the disciples f...