
Showing posts from May, 2013

Easter 7C + A love stronger than death + 5.12.13

Melissa Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard (Acts 16:16–34; Ps. 97; Rev. 22:12–14, 16–17, 20–21; John 17:20–26) (image from There was an image splashed around the internet this week, one that both disturbed and moved.  It was an image of two of the garment workers in the building that collapsed in Bangladesh a couple of weeks ago, an image of a man and a woman in embrace.  Perhaps they were trying to protect each other.  Perhaps they had loved each other a long time, or maybe this was a moment of chivalry between two otherwise distant coworkers.  Her body is arched back and his seems to arch over her, a half-rainbow of protection, perhaps reaching out for human connection in a moment of terror.  The look on the man’s face is striking—it is covered in protective care.  It is quietly loving in the face of perhaps the most frightening moment of his life.  This image is haunting because it reminds us of the tragedy tha...

Pascua 7C + Un amor mas fuerte que la muerte + 5.12.13

Melissa Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard (Hechos 16:16–34; S. 97; Rev. 22:12–14, 16–17, 20–21; Juan 17:20–26) (foto de Había una imagen en el internet esta semana, una imagen ambos profundo y perturbador.  Era una imagen de dos trabajadores en la fábrica de ropa que se cayó hace un par de semanas, y están abrazando.  There is a photo of a man and a woman embracing that traveled around the internet after the collapse of the garment building in Bangladesh, and it is both disturbing and touching.  Posiblemente el quería proteger a ella, o posiblemente estaban compartiendo un poco de amor, enfrentando el crisis peor de sus vidas.  Casi lo más impresionante es la cara del hombre, que parece tan protector y tan cariñoso, en ese momento de crisis completo. Esta imagen esta evocador porque nos recuerda que nuestras decisiones también hacen un impacto.  Ellos estaban haciendo la ropa que muchos en los Estados Unidos llevamos....

Pascua 6C + Giro Radical + 5.5.13

M. Campbell-Langdell+ All Santos 5.5.13 (Pascua 6C) (Hechos 16: 9-15, S. 67, Rev. 21:10; 21:22-22-25, Jn. 14:23-29) U-turn!  ¡Una vuelta en U, o un giro radical!  Posiblemente esto es lo de que se tratan las lecturas de esta semana.  Jesús está respondiendo a una pregunta de Judas (no el Iscariote) quien básicamente le pregunta a Jesús porque ellos son los felices que están escuchando el mensaje de Jesús en más profundidad.  Judas says, “Is there something special about us that we get to hear the good news?” Y Jesús dice, “¡U-turn!” esto no es el punto.  El punto es el AMOR.  No estamos hablando de los que están en el grupo o no, pero también entendemos que Jesús tiene un secreto.  Él sabe que si hable a un grupo pequeño y hace una gran impresión, ellos van a ser los líderes que van a compartir con los demás.  De contraste, uno no siente mucha responsabilidad en una muchedumbre. Paul also knows the secret of talking to small groups—P...

Easter 6C + U Turn! + 5.5.13

M. Campbell-Langdell+ All Santos 5.5.13 (Easter 6C) (Acts 16: 9-15, Ps. 67, Rev. 21:10; 21:22-22-25, Jn. 14:23-29) U-turn!  That’s what the readings this week seem to be about.  What is Jesus responding to in the gospel, but a question from Judas (not Iscariot, we are told), basically asking why the gospel is just being revealed to this small group of disciples and not everyone—is there something special about us that we get to hear the good news?  And Jesus basically says, U-turn!  That’s not the point.  The point is LOVE.  This isn’t about in-groups or out-groups, but you do get the feeling that Jesus knows a little secret—that to make a big impression on a small group builds leaders that feel empowered to spread the gospel, rather than a big crowd that can remain anonymous. Paul seems to know a bit about this secret—because he is called into another U-turn in the book of Acts reading we have for today.  They are on this missionary jour...