
Showing posts from January, 2014

Epiphany 3A + To See Christ, Construir el Reino, To Share Love + 1.26.14 (Bilingual)

M. Campbell-Langdell+ All Santos, Oxnard (Is. 8:23-9:3; S. 27:1, 5-13; 1 Cor. 1:10-18; Mat. 4:12-23) “Do what you love, love what you do” is a mantra that we hear all over the place, from the Oprah magazine to a casual coffee with a friend.   Todos hemos escuchado el dicho “Haz lo que amas, ama lo que haces”, pero una escritora para la revista dice que hay problemas con este concepto. An article posted on by Miya Tokumitsu points out that when we say this, it devalues work and blurs the lines between the fact that meaningful work is still work and makes those who work at low-wage or low-skill jobs or simply jobs that are just jobs to them feel less than. Ella dice que tenemos que recordar que trabajo es trabajo, si lo amamos o no, y que no es algo peor si nuestra vocación no se vive en nuestro trabajo pero en otra parte de nuestra vida. Sure, you may have a job that is your calling, but Tokumitsu points out that you may also have a job and a calling, an...

Christmas 2A + Outsiders + 1.5.14

M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard Flight into Egypt by Eugene-Alexis Girardet (from (Jer. 31:7-14; Ps. 84; Eph. 1:3-6, 15-19ª; Matt. 2:13-15, 19-23) When I got to Oxnard, some folks said to me, “Welcome to the boonies!” Because there is a sense that, out here with the fields about sixty miles north of the big city of Los Angeles, some folks think we are really in the boondocks. But this past year I had a chance to go to a conference put on by the Mixteco Indigenous Community Organizing Project, MICOP, and there I learned about the Mixteco and other indigenous cultures of many of our folks here in Ventura County. For many of them, this is the big city. Because they come from much more rural, remote parts of Oaxaca.  You might say that they are the outsiders even in the boonies, because they are not always culturally accepted here and their work in the fields demands a kind of nomadic lifestyle. Folks begin in Oaxaca or a nearby state and travel ...

Navidad 2A + Los de fuera + 1.5.14

M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard Flight into Egypt by Eugene-Alexis Girardet (de (Jer. 31:7-14; S. 84; Ef. 1:3-6, 15-19ª; S. Mat. 2:13-15, 19-23) Cuando lleg ué a Oxnard, algunos me dijeron, “bienvenidos a la zona alejada.”  When I came to Oxnard, some folks said to me, “welcome to the boonies!”  Hay un sentido en que, como estamos a sesenta millas de la grande ciudad de Los Ángeles, y como tenemos granjas, que estamos en la parte de los de “fuera.” Pero este a ñ o pasado tuve la oportunidad de ir de una conferencia sobre las culturas de los mixtecos y otra gente indígena en el área que viene de Oaxaca y otras partes de México. Ahora, para ellos, esta es la ciudad grande.  Porque vienen de lugares mucho más remotas y pequeños.  Ellos son los de “fuera” en un lugar de “fuera,” porque también por su trabajo en los fields, tienen que mudar cada estación del a ñ o a un nuevo lugar.  Empezando en Oaxaca, van para fields en el Nor...