
Showing posts from May, 2014

Easter 5 (A) + The wideness of God + 5.18.14

M. Campbell-Langdell+ All Santos, Oxnard                                 (Acts 7:55–60; Ps. 31:1–5, 15–16; 1st Peter  2:2–10; John 14:1–14) “Dad is putting together an apocalypse survival plan. He makes me promise to keep it a secret.” Begins author Elizabeth Esther in her chapter “Apocalypse Prep 101” in her memoir Girl at the End of the World. The chapter goes on to describe how her father, obsessed with planning for the second coming of Christ, makes a plan to meet in a family meeting spot in case of rapture. But the “safe space” is an abandoned park where the reader suspects there may be more drug use than picnics going on. Rather than living in reverent fear, this family lives in anxiety. This book details how Elizabeth Esther survives a childhood lived in a fundamentalist sect so extreme that she calls it a cult, including some very abusive practices, and still, amazingly, manages ...

Pascua 5 (A) + Asombro y grandeza + 5.18.14

M. Campbell-Langdell+ All Santos, Oxnard                                                                                                                                                                    ( Hechos 7:55–60; S. 31:1–5, 15–16; 1º Pedro  2:2–10; Juan 14:1–14) “Papi organiza un plan para sobrevivir el apocalipsis. El me hace prometer mantenerlo secreto.”  “Dad is putting together an ap ocalypse survival plan. He makes me promise to keep it at secret.” Así empieza la autora Elizabeth Esther el capítulo “Apocalypse Prep 101” de su libro de memorias Girl...

Easter 3 (A) + Ah, the wonder! + 5.4.14

From the movie "To the Wonder" M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard (Acts 2:14a, 36-41; 1 Peter 1:17-23; Ps. 116: 1-3, 10-17, Luke 24: 13-35) To begin, a poem by Kay Ryan… (The Palm at the End of the Mind) After fulfilling everything one two three he came back again free, no more prophecy requiring that he enter the city just this way, no more set-up treacheries. It was the day after Easter. He adored the eggshell litter and the cellophane caught in the grass. Each door he passed swung with its own business, all the witnesses along his route of pain again distracted by fear of loss or hope of gain. It was wonderful to be a man, bewildered by so many flowers, the rush and ebb of hours, his own ambiguous gestures--his whole heart exposed, then taking cover. --Kay Ryan [1] Who has seen him? Perhaps it was by chance, the corner of the mind’s eye glanced him as you spoke with a new acquaintance while traveling or in some local spot and you s...

Pascua 3 (A) + Ah, el asombro! + 5.4.14

From the movie "To the Wonder" M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard (Acts 2:14a, 36-41; 1 Peter 1:17-23; Ps. 116: 1-3, 10-17, Luke 24: 13-35)  Para empezar, un poema del poeta Kay Ryan. (El Ramo en las Fronteras de la Mente) Después de cumplir todo Uno dos tres regres ó de nuevo Libre, sin profecía algún que requiere Que el entra de justa esta manera, Sin algún traición pre-destinado. Fue el día después de la Pascua. A él le encant ó La brillantina de los cascarones y el celofán Captado en el césped. Cada puerta que el pasaba Giraba con su propio negocio, todos los Testigos que paraban al lado de su camino de dolor Distraídos de nuevo por el miedo de la perdida O la esperanza de la adquisición. Fue algo asombroso Ser un hombre, apabullado por Tantas flores, la deprisa Y reflujo de horas, sus propios Gestos ambiguos, su Corazón entero expuesto, después Refugiándose. [1] ¿Quién lo ha visto? Posiblemente fue pura cas...