
Showing posts from January, 2015

Epiphany 3 (B) + You Can't Stop the Beat + 25 January 15

Melissa Campbell-Langdell+ All Santos, Oxnard ( Jonás 3:1–5, 10; Salmo 62:6–14 loc; 1 Corintios 7:29–31; San Marcos 1:14–20) Porque este mundo que vemos ha de terminar. For the present form of this world is passing away. Me pienso de una canción de la obra musical “Hairspray.” For some reason this brings to mind a song from the musical “Hairspray.” Here are some of the lyrics: Oh, oh, oh, you can't stop today as it comes speeding down the track Child, yesterday is history and it's never coming back 'Cause tomorrow is a brand new day and it don't know white from black 'Cause the world keeps spinning round and round And my heart's keeping time to the speed of sound I was lost 'til I heard the drums then I found my way 'Cause you can't stop the beat El concepto es que tiempo es una fuerza que no se puede uno parar. You can’t stop the beat! Hay mucho sobre tiempo en las lecturas de hoy. There is a lot about time in the readings fr...

Baptism of the Lord (B) + Life, death and love + 1.11.15

( M. Campbell-Langdell+ All Santos, Oxnard (Genesis 1:1-5, Ps. 29, Acts 19:1-7, S. Mark 1:4-11) At Mount Calvary Monastery in Santa Barbara, you will see a calligraphy piece on the wall, created by one of the brothers, a Zen Buddhist quote, and it says: "Life and death are of supreme importance. Time swiftly passes by and opportunity is lost. Each of us should strive to awaken. Awaken. Take heed, do not squander your life." (-  Dogen Zenji) Life and death, birth and death, those supremely important things. Unconditional love. These are what I see in the scriptures for today. Such short texts but loaded with so much meaning. But first, let us begin at the beginning. There was a formless void, the waters, the deep, and the Spirit danced over the deep at beginning of time, and then… there was light! And then… so many years later, another beginning. We enter a scene, as if from sideways. W...

Bautismo del Señor (B) + La vida, la muerte, y el amor + 1.11.15

( M. Campbell-Langdell+ All Santos, Oxnard (Génesis 1:1-5, S. 29, Hechos 19:1-7, S. Marcos 1:4-11) En el monasterio de Mount Calvary en Santa Bárbara, hay un cuadro en la pared, de caligrafía, creado por uno de los hermanos. Tiene un dicho de la tradición budista, y dice: "Life and death are of supreme importance. Time swiftly passes by and opportunity is lost. Each of us should strive to awaken. Awaken. Take heed, do not squander your life." (-  Dogen Zenji) Mi traducción va así: “La vida y la muerte son de suprema importancia. El tiempo vuele rápido y las oportunidades se pierden. Cada uno tiene que hacer el esfuerzo de despertar. Despierta. Presta atención, no malgastes tu vida.” La vida y la muerte, aquellas cosas tan supremamente importantes. Y el amor incondicional . Life and death, birth and death, and unconditional love. Estas son las cosas que veo en las sagradas escrituras para h...

Navidad 2 (B) + Con raices, confiando en Dios + 1.4.15

M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard (Jer. 31:7-14; S. 84; Ef. 1:3-6, 15-19a; Mat. 2:13-15, 19-23) A veces es interesante cuando uno vea que hay un evangelio en que omiten unas líneas, ver que existe en la sección que no leemos. En la mitad de la sección que describe como Jose recibe sueños de Dios que le dan guía de cómo proteger a su familia, hay una pequeña parte excluida. What’s the story with the left out part of the gospel, you wonder? ¿Qué cuento hay allí? Pues muchas Iglesias marcaron el texto la semana pasada, la Fiesta de los Santos Inocentes. The missing part is the story of the Holy Innocents, when King Herod killed the young boys in his region so that his power would not be contested. El rey Herodes, quien ha escuchado rumores de este bebe mesiánico, trata de matar todos los niños hombres bajo la edad de dos años en su región. Pero Jose, al recibir su sueño profético, ya se ha ido, y Jesús esta salvo por el tiempo.  Because of the guidance that Joseph recei...

Christmas 2 (B) + Rooted and Trusting in God + 1.4.15

M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard (Jer. 31:7-14; Ps. 84; Eph. 1:3-6, 15-19a; Matt. 2:13-15, 19-23) Sometimes it is interesting, turning to texts such as today’s gospel text, to find where the gaps exist. In the middle of these powerful scenes depicting God’s guidance of Joseph in keeping his family safe, in keeping our Messiah safe, there is a small excluded section. What is that story? Well, some churches commemorated the event last Sunday and Monday, the feast of the Holy Innocents. In it we hear that Herod, afraid of this rumored Messianic baby, kills all the boys under the age of two in the region, but Joseph has already fled, as described in the first verses here, and Jesus is spared for the time being. You might wonder why I go to such a dark page of our salvific history. And it raises a hard question. Why is Jesus saved this time, but not these other precious lives? I would like to say that it is so that from Jesus onward no more innocent lives would be lost in a ...