
Showing posts from March, 2018

Liturgy of the Palms/Passion (Year B) + Alone, in love + 3.25.18

( M. Campbell-Langdell+ Imagine the scene.   The songs have died down in the air.   The palms are strewn around the streets that have cooled from the heat of the day.   You can still feel the electricity of the crowd and the procession in the air. Or was it from the protests?   But anyway, Jesus is once more alone.   Jesus is alone—the coats laid down in the street for him to pass have been picked up and dusted off, coats that will turn against him so soon, so very soon. Soon the happy songs will turn to the shouts of a violent crowd.   So, alone on that quiet street, imagine him.   See our humble king as the man he is in that moment.   Before the disciples fold him back into the fellowship and the stories. There is a part he must walk alone. Sometimes we see individuals walking a hard road alone in examples during our daily lives. During Lent I have been reading Kate Bowler’s Everything Ha...

Ramos/ Pasión (B) + Solo, en amor + 3.25.18

( M. Campbell-Langdell+ All Santos, Oxnard Imaginen el escenario. Las canciones ya han parado.   Todavía sienten en el aire la electricidad de su momento de entrada en Jerusalén. De las protestas, posiblemente.   Jesús está solo con sus ideas diferentes, su manera diferente de ser un Mesías y rey diferente.   Jesus is alone—the coats laid down in the Street for him to pass have been picked up and dusted off, coats that will turn against him so soon, so very soon.   Pronto estará rechazado su rey, su bendito Mesías.   Las canciones van a convertir en gritos violentos.   Imagínenlo allí, solo. Vean a nuestro rey como el hombre que es en ese momento.   Sus amigos estarán con é l muy pronto, pero é l también sabe que ellos no van a poder caminar todo el viaje consigo.   There is a part he must walk alone. Sometimes we see individuals walking a hard road alone in examples during our daily liv...

Lent 4 (B) + Created for good + 3.11.18

( for-we-are-gods-handiwork-created-in-christ-id11733) M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos , Oxnard (Numbers 21:4–9; Ps. 107:1–3, 17–22; Ephesians 2:1–10; John 3:14–21) Genesis and I recently learned about the surge of homelessness in the 1930s and how high unemployment led to scores of people, both educated and uneducated, roaming the US looking for work who became known as “ho-bos.” At this time there were not even the social safety nets we have today, so homeless individuals were entirely dependent on others’ charity. While some households were friendly, caring for those wanting to do odd jobs as they could, others disdained or feared them. So they developed a secret code. A plus sign on a door meant it was a place where they could get a good meal. A hashtag warned that a security guard or policeman paid to fend off homeless people lived at a house. And a vertical line with a snake-like squiggle across it meant a place where an injure...

Cuaresma 4 (B) + Creados por el bien + 3.11.18

( for-we-are-gods-handiwork-created-in-christ-id11733) M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos , Oxnard (Números 21:4–9; Salmo 107:1–3, 17–22; Efesios 2:1–10; San Juan 3:14–21) Recientemente, Génesis y yo aprendimos sobre el grupo de personas que perdieron sus trabajos y estaban sin hogar después de la Gran Depresión del tiempo de los 1930 en los EEUU. En estos tiempos ni tenían el mismo apoyo del gobierno que hay ahora, así que cuando la economía fallo, mucha gente perdi ó su trabajo sin ayuda. Y tenían que caminar a otros pueblos en búsqueda de trabajo. Y, como no toda la gente fue buena con ellos, diseñaron un código especial. Una señal plus significaba que pudieron comer bien en una casa. Un hashtag o un gato significaban que había una policía o un guardia en la casa y que no fue segura. Y un una línea vertical con un garabato alrededor significaba que en esa casa ellos pudieron recibir ayuda medica. The homeless people of the 1930s had ...