
Showing posts from March, 2020

Lent 5 (A) + Breathe on me, breath of God + 3.29.20

M. Campbell-Langdell All Saints, Oxnard (Ezequiel 37:1–14; Ps. 130; Romans 8:6–11; St. John 11:1–45) Our clergy meetings with Bishop Diane these past two weeks for those in Latino Ministry have been very helpful and grounding. One of the reasons for this is that we begin by looking at a big feelings chart and talk about how we are feeling. We are all usually a mixture of anxious, scared and hopeful. Anxious about all that is happening in the world and hopeful for the ways our communities are responding and that we can be a part of a creative response to it. Listening to today’s collect, I was struck by the language around “the changes and chances of this life.” Perhaps at no other time in my life have day to day changes seemed so big and with so many different ramifications both for daily life and ministry. Like many of you I have had to go with the flow of each day, which has not always been easy. Although I must admit it has been fun finding ways to connect with you all t...

Cuaresma 5 (A) + Respira en mi, Espíritu + 3.29.20

M. Campbell-Langdell Todos los Santos, Oxnard (Ezequiel 37:1–14; Salmo 130; Romanos 8:6–11; San Juan 11:1–45) Nuestras reuniones del clero con la obispa Diane en las últimas dos semanas para aquellos en el ministerio latino han sido muy útiles y sólidas. Una de las razones de esto es que comenzamos mirando una gran rueda que muestra diferentes sentimientos y hablamos sobre cómo nos sentimos. Todos somos generalmente una mezcla de ansiedad, miedo y esperanza. Ansiosos por todo lo que está sucediendo en el mundo y esperanzados en las formas en que nuestras comunidades están respondiendo y que podemos ser parte de una respuesta creativa a esto. We are usually all a big mix of anxious and hopeful, and it has been helpful to recognize that. Al escuchar la colecta del día para hoy, me llamó la atención el lenguaje sobre cómo estamos "en medio de los rápidos y variados cambios del mundo". Quizás en ningún otro momento de mi vida los cambios cotidianos parecían tan grande...

Lent 4 (A) + Turn to Jesus + 3.22.20

(<a href=""><img alt="" src=""/></a><br/>This photo of State Coal Mine is courtesy of Tripadvisor) M. Campbell-Langdell All Saints, Oxnard (1 Samuel 16:1–13; Ps 23; Ephesians 5:8–14; St. John 9:1–41) Good morning and thank you for joining us online or by reading this! Today we have another quite long gospel wherein Jesus heals a man born blind and everyone has their say about what they think it means or who they think Jesus is. When I read through the scripture again, I could not help but think of how everyone has a different way of responding to a crisis – whether it is this man’s struggle with blindness, or whether it is COVID-19. Jesus sees the man’s need and simply responds by healing.  His disci...

Cuaresma 4 (A) + Regresar a Jesus + 3.22.20

(<a href=""><img alt="" src=""/></a><br/>This photo of State Coal Mine is courtesy of Tripadvisor) M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard ( 1 Samuel 16:1–13; Salmo 23; Efesios 5:8–14; San Juan 9:1–41) ¡Buenos días y gracias por acompañarnos en línea o por leer esto! Hoy tenemos otro evangelio bastante largo en el que Jesús sana a un hombre nacido ciego y todos dicen lo que piensan que significa o quién creen que es Jesús. Cuando volví a leer la escritura, no pude evitar pensar en cómo todos tienen una forma diferente de responder a una crisis: si es la lucha de este hombre con la ceguera o si es COVID-19. Jesús ve la necesidad del hombre y simplemente responde sanándolo. A sus discípulos les gustar...

Lent 3 A + Be Not Afraid + 3.15.20

M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard ( Exodus 17:1-7 ; Psalm 95 ; Romans 5:1-11 ; John 4:5-42 ) Did any of you go on a shopping trip this past week? I did last Saturday and it was weird. One staff member at Sprout’s was huddled next to the coffee samples saying “he needed a fix.” And there was all the regular food but nothing to be found in terms of disinfecting wipes or hand sanitizer, usually something that is so prolific even in natural foods stores. I went to Winco and bought soap, but again no Purell. None at the Dollar Store. None at Von’s later this week. I began to worry, what if we don’t have enough hand sanitizer gel at church for worship? And then I remembered, “Do not be afraid.” And I decided to trust that there would be enough until the stores re-stock, and-or we can simply wash our hands well. Is the Lord among us or not? That is a question that the Israelites ask in today’s scripture. The Israelites are thirsty, and God meets their need in a miraculous ...

Cuaresma 3 A + No tengan miedo + 3.15.20

M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard ( Éxodo 17:1-7 ; Salmo 95 ; Romanos 5:1-11 ; Juan 4:5-42 ) ¿Alguno de ustedes fue de compras la semana pasada? Lo hice el sábado pasado y fue raro. Un miembro del personal de Sprout's estaba acurrucado junto a las muestras de café diciendo "necesitaba un poquito de descanso". Y había toda la comida regular, pero no se encontraba nada en términos de desinfección de toallitas o desinfectante para manos, generalmente algo tan prolífico incluso en las tiendas de alimentos naturales. Fui a Winco y compré jabón, pero de nuevo no Purell. Ninguno en la tienda del dólar. Ninguno en Von’s a finales de esta semana. Comencé a preocuparme, ¿qué pasa si no tenemos suficiente gel desinfectante para manos en la iglesia para adorar? Y luego recordé: "No tengas miedo". When I got anxious, I heard the words “Be not Afraid.” Y decidí confiar en que habría suficiente hasta que las tiendas se reabastecieran, o simplemente podemos ...

Lent 2 A + Birth + 3.8.20

("Aurelia," source: Pinterest) M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard (Genesis 12:1–4a; Ps. 121; Romans 4:1–5, 13–17; St. John 3:1–17) What is pretty amazing about many stories in the Bible is that they are both the individual person or family’s story but they have so many implications for the whole world. Abram is personally called, but he is also blessed to be a blessing for all of us, a parent with Sarah of all nations. One of the truths that the Bible shares is that whenever one of us is blessed, that blessing flows out of the individual or family to bless the world. And when a person or group is suffering, (think of the Hebrews in slavery), everyone suffers until balance is found. One of my pastor friends, Angela, has been sharing on social media about her experience as a pregnant Black woman. And it has been eye-opening. Through her I have learned that African-American infants are 2.3 times as likely to die as Non-Hispanic White infants. [1] And Lati...

Cuaresma 2 A + Nacimiento + 3.8.20

(Signed "Aurelia," Source: Pinterest) M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard (Génesis 12:1–4a; S. 121; Romanos 4:1–5, 13–17; San Juan 3:1–17) Lo impresionante de muchas historias en la Biblia es que son tanto la historia de la persona individual como de la familia, pero tienen muchas implicaciones para el mundo entero. Dios le llama a Abram personalmente, pero también tiene la bendición de ser una bendición para todos nosotros, un padre con Sara de todas las naciones. Una de las verdades que la Biblia comparte es que cada vez que uno de nosotros es bendecido, esa bendición fluye del individuo o la familia para bendecir al mundo. Y cuando una persona o grupo está sufriendo (piense en los hebreos en la esclavitud), todos sufren hasta encontrar el equilibrio de nuevo. Una de mis amigas pastoras, Angela, ha estado compartiendo en las redes sociales sobre su experiencia como una mujer negra embarazada. Y ha sido revelador. Gracias a ella, he aprendido que los be...