Wonder + Lent 2C + 2.24.13
Melissa Campbell-Langdell All Santos February 24, 2013 Lent 2 C (Gen. 15:1–12, 17–18; Ps. 27; Phil. 3:17–4:1; Luke 13:31–35) In the film Labyrinth from 1986, as I recall from way before this Lent, there is a young woman, Sarah, who has to babysit her little brother. And she is so incensed at the inconvenience that she says she would do anything if the little boy would disappear. And a goblin king hears this and snatches up the baby, and Sarah searches and searches through a labyrinth, learning a lot about herself on the way, until she finally gets to the goblin king, who has her baby brother captive. But as she gets closer, Sarah is drawn into a dreamlike scene where the goblin king would woo her to stay with him in a fairytale existence. And Sarah manages to break it all with one simple thought: “you have no power over me.” [1] Jesus may not have been talking to a goblin king in today’s gospel, but his message is clear. You Herod, you fox (...