
Showing posts from April, 2017

Easter 3 A + Precious + 4.30.17

(from: inspirational-quote-art-print-mary?ref=market) M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard ( Acts 2:14a,36-41 ; Psalm 116:1-3, 10-17 ; 1 Peter 1:17-23 ; Luke 24:13-35 ) “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his servants (Ps. 116:13).” Today in the English service and Spanish service we honor two servants of God, Evelyn, Cindy’s aunt and Eduardo, Haydee’s husband. And I often wonder—what does it mean that the death of God’s servants is precious in his sight? Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that, even though death makes us farther from our loved ones, they become closer to God, and he delights in receiving them. Today we remember these servants who have gone to be with God. Particularly Evelyn and Eduardo but also all those we hold in our hearts. We remember their many accomplishments-for Evelyn the feat of breaking into the male-dominated world of photography management in Hollywood durin...

Pascua 3 A + Preciosa + 4.30.17

(de: inspirational-quote-art-print-mary?ref=market) M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard ( Hechos 2:14a,36-41 ; S almo 116:1-3, 10-17 ; 1 Pedro 1:17-23 ; Lucas 24:13-35 ) “Preciosa a los ojos del Señor, *                                            es la muerte de sus siervos.” (Salmo 116:13) Hoy día en las dos misas celebramos y honramos dos siervos de Dios, Evelyn, la tía de Cindy, y Eduardo, el esposo de Haydee. Muchas veces me pienso-¿Qué quiere decir el salmista aquí-como es que la muerte de sus siervos esta preciosa al Señor? No sé, pero posiblemente tiene algo que ver con cómo ahora está más cerca de Dios, y el deleite en recibirlos. Today we remember Eduardo, Haydee’s husband, and Evelyn, Cindy’s aunt, but a...

Easter 2A + Joy, joy, joy! + 4.23.17

(From: "The Odyssey Online": "Choose Joy") M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard (Acts 2:14a, 22–32; Ps. 16; 1 Peter 1:3–9; John 20:19–31) “Although you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and rejoice with an indescribable and glorious joy, for you are receiving the outcome of your faith, the salvation of your souls (1 Peter 1:8-9).” It is possible that this past Holy Week, Easter Vigil and Easter Day celebrations were not the best attended of all those in the years I have been at All Santos. But it is true that there was such a sweet sense of the Spirit during these services that I truly felt buoyed up. At the Easter Vigil, between chanting and candles and chimes, I felt God’s presence so near as we celebrated the first service of the resurrection. And then Sunday morning was filled with joy, bursting with flowers on a cross, no longer an instrument of death but a symbol of rebirth, and glorio...

Pascua 2A + Gozo, gozo gozo! + 4.23.17

(From "The Odyssey Online" - "Choose Joy") M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard ( Hechos 2:14a, 22–32; Salmo 16; 1 San Pedro  1:3–9; San Juan 20:19–31) “Ustedes aman a Jesucristo, aunque no lo han visto; y ahora, creyendo en él sin haberlo visto, se alegran con una alegría tan grande y gloriosa que no pueden expresarla con palabras, porque están alcanzando la meta de su fe, que es la salvación. “ (1 Pedro 1:8-9) Es probable que este tiempo de Semana Santa y Domingo de Pascua no tuvimos la mejor asistencia de todos los a ñ os, pero realmente sentimos un Espíritu lindo durante esta época. El día sábado en la vigilia de Pascua sentí la presencia de Dios tan fuerte en esa misa tan íntima y lleno de velas, cantos y campanitas. Luego el día domingo sentimos este gozo pascual de nuevo, viendo las flores en la cruz, ya no un instrumento de muerte pero un símbolo de resurrección. Viendo a los niños, algunos por primera vez, gozando en la búsqueda de huevos....

Easter (A) + New life, new relationship + 4.16.2017

M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard (Acts 10:34-43; Ps. 118:1-2, 14-24; Colossians 3:1-4; John 20:1-18) There is a scene in Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass in which Alice is running with the Queen, and never seems to get anywhere: Alice never could quite make out, in thinking it over afterwards, how it was that they began: all she remembers is, that they were running hand in hand, and the Queen went so fast that it was all she could do to keep up with her: and still the Queen kept crying “Faster! Faster” but Alice felt she could not go faster, though she had no breath left to say so. The most curious part of the thing was, that the trees and the other things round them never changed their places at all: however fast they went, they never seemed to pass anything. “I wonder if all the things move along with us?” thought poor puzzled Alice. And the Queen seemed to guess her thoughts, for she cried, “Faster! Don’t try to talk!” Not that Alice had any idea of...

Pascua (A) + Nueva vida, nueva relación +4.16.2017

M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard (Hechos 10:34-43; S. 118:1-2, 14-24; Colosenses 3:1-4; Juan 20:1-18) Hay una parte en A Través del espejo y lo que Alicia encontró en el otro lado por Lewis Carroll en que Alicia está corriendo con la Reina, pero parece que está corriendo en lugar: Alicia nunca pudo explicarse, pensándolo luego, cómo fue que empezó aquella carrera; todo lo que recordaba era que corrían cogidas de la mano y de que la Reina corría tan velozmente que eso era lo único que podía hacer Alicia para no separarse de ella; y aun así la Reina no hacía más que jalearla gritándole: «¡Más rápido, más rápido!» Y aunque Alicia sentía que simplemente no podía correr más velozmente, le faltaba el aliento para decírselo. Lo más curioso de todo es que los árboles y otros objetos que estaban alrededor de ellas nunca variaban de lugar: por más rápido que corrieran nunca lograban pasar un solo objeto. «--¿Será que todas las cosas se mueven con nosotras?» --se preguntó l...

Maundy Thursday / Jueves Santo + Vulnerable

M. Campbell-Langdell 2017 + Year A Early in Holy Week, there is a very important ritual in which many clergy women and I imagine some male clergy also participate. Muy temprano en cada semana santa, muchas mujeres clérigas y algunos hombres clérigos también imagino participen en un ritual especial. It is called the Holy Week pedicure. Se llama la pedicura de Semana Santa. La mayoría de nosotros estamos un desorden- nuestra casa desordenada, y nuestro cuidado personal sufre también en esta época. Pero no queremos parecer descuidadas cuando llega el día Jueves Santo. We know that when Maundy Thursday comes, we are going to be baring our toes and though appearance is not the top priority come Holy Week, we don’t want to look a mess. So we get our toes done. Which, while a big plus for self-care, is not exactly the point, is it? Aunque esto es Bueno por nuestro cuidado personal, realmente no es el punto de Jueves Santo. Because here, Jesus is all about vulnerability. Jesús, acer...