
Showing posts from October, 2021

Proper 26 B + Silver and Gold + 10.31.21

  M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard ( Ruth 1:1-18; Psalm 146; Hebrews 9:11-14; Mark 12:28-34 ) From the Book of Ruth, Chapter 1 today: Where you go, I will go; Where you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God my God. Where you die, I will die— there will I be buried. And from today’s gospel reading from Mark Chapter 12: Then the scribe said to him, “You are right, Teacher; you have truly said that ‘he is one, and besides him there is no other’; and ‘to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the strength,’ and ‘to love one’s neighbor as oneself,’ —this is much more important than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.” When Jesus saw that he answered wisely, he said to him, “You are not far from the kingdom of God.” What is family? What is faithfulness? These are the questions that come to mind for me today. For Ruth, it is the tragedy of losing two close family members to death and one to ...

Propio 26 B + Oro y plata + 10.31.21

  M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard ( Rut 1:1-18; Salmo 146; Hebreos 9:11-14; San Marcos 12:28-34 )   Del libro de Rut, capitulo uno hoy: Pero Rut le contestó: —¡No me pidas que te deje y que me separe de ti! Iré a donde tú vayas, y viviré donde tú vivas. Tu pueblo será mi pueblo, y tu Dios será mi Dios. Moriré donde tú mueras, y allí quiero ser enterrada. Y de la lectura del evangelio de San Marcos hoy: El maestro de la ley le dijo: —Muy bien, Maestro. Es verdad lo que dices: hay un solo Dios, y no hay otro fuera de él. Y amar a Dios con todo el corazón, con todo el entendimiento y con todas las fuerzas, y amar al prójimo como a uno mismo, vale más que todos los holocaustos y todos los sacrificios que se queman en el altar. Al ver Jesús que el maestro de la ley había contestado con buen sentido, le dijo: —No estás lejos del reino de Dios. ¿Qué significa tener una familia? Y ¿Qué es fidelidad? Son unas preguntas en que las lecturas de hoy me hacen pensar....

Proper 24 (B) + The flea the lion loves + 10.17.21

  Emily Larryware M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard (Job 38:1–7, (34–41); Psalm 104:1–9, 25, 37; Hebrews 5:1–10; St Mark 10:35–45)   "Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge? Gird up your loins like a man, I will question you, and you shall declare to me. Listening to God confront Job here, I can’t help but think of the song from the very irreverent musical “The Book of Mormon” called “Man Up”! Part of the song goes like this: 'Cuz there's a time in your life When you know you've got to MAN UP. Don't let it pass you by, There's just one time to MAN UP. Watch me man up like Nobody else! I'm gonna man up all Over myself! [1] Without getting too far into the territory of toxic masculinity which is a whole other sermon, God reaches back to Job here and tells him to gird up his loins because he is about to take him on a trip around the universe. God is big and Job is very small in the scheme of things. Some co...

Propio 24 (B) + La pulga que el leon ama + 10.20.24

  Emily Larryware M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard (Job 38:1–7, (34–41); Salmo 104:1–9, 25, 37; Hebreos 5:1–10; San Marcos 10:35–45)   Entonces el Señor le habló a Job de en medio de la tempestad. ¿Quién eres tú para dudar de mi providencia y mostrar con tus palabras tu ignorancia? Muéstrame ahora tu valentía, y respóndeme a estas preguntas: ¿Dónde estabas cuando yo afirmé la tierra? Escuchando a Dios confrontando a Job aquí, pienso en la canción del musical muy irreverente “The Book of Mormon” llamado “Man Up.” Parte de la canción va así: 'Cuz there's a time in your life When you know you've got to MAN UP. Don't let it pass you by, There's just one time to MAN UP. [1] O Hay un tiempo en su vida Cuando sabes que tienes que Atarse los machos No te lo dejas pasar Hay solo un tiempo Para MAN UP. Sin entrarme mucho en el territorio del machismo, que es otro sermón por completo, Dios habla de vuelto a Job aquí y le dice que tiene ...

Proper 23 B + The eye of the needle + 10.10.21

Image M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard (Job 23:1–9, 16–17; Ps. 22:1–15 Hebrews 4:12–16 St Mark 10:17–31) Growing up, one of my best friends had a sign in her family's living room. It said "Solidarity" but in a foreign language, perhaps that of one of the countries of Eastern Europe, and no doubt there was a story behind that banner. I am not sure I ever asked for the details. But "solidarity" is what comes to mind today as I muse on this scripture passage from the gospel of St. Mark. But first, let us remember last week, when we heard about Job. Job experienced the opposite of solidarity. When he was in pain and suffering, his friends added to his anguish by blaming his troubles on him. Instead of feeling surrounded by care, Job felt abandoned and alone. Don’t be a Job’s friend 😊 . In contrast, Jesus invites us into a community of radical mutual support. In the passage from today, a man came up to Jesus and, calling him good, asked him ...

Propio 23 B + El ojo de la aguja + 10.10.21

Image M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard (Job 23:1–9, 16–17; S. 22:1–15 Hebreos 4:12–16 San Marcos 10:17–31)   Cuando fuimos joven, una de mis mejores amigas tenía un letrero en la sala de living de su familia. Decía "Solidaridad" pero en un idioma extranjero, tal vez el de uno de los países de Europa del Este, y sin duda había una historia detrás de él, pero no se los detalles. Pero "solidaridad" es lo que me viene a la mente hoy mientras reflexiono sobre este pasaje de las Escrituras del evangelio de San Marcos. Solidarity is the theme that comes to mind as I think on this passage from Mark. Pero primero, recordemos la semana pasada, cuando nos escuchamos de Job. Job experimentó lo contrario de la solidaridad. Cuando tenía dolor y sufrimiento, sus amigos aumentaban su angustia al culparlo de sus problemas. En lugar de sentirse rodeado de cuidados, Job se sintió abandonado y solo. Don’t be like Job’s friends, and blame others for their own tr...