Proper 12A + Abundance! + 7.30.23
M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard (Genesis 29:15–28; Ps. 105:1–11, 45b; Romans 8:26–39; Matthew 13:31–33, 44–52) The Kingdom of Heaven is like a camping pot-luck. You don’t know what you will have in the wilderness, but one person will bring lettuce, and another chicken, and another bread, and another pan dulce and before you know it, you have a feast! Perhaps donuts or hamburgers will show up too! Perhaps Adrianna will make her famous coffee with cinnamon even though she doesn’t drink coffee. Perhaps you will sing karaoke style and make the rangers come (it isn’t even that late!) But it will all come together and be a fabulous time. Or perhaps the kingdom of heaven is like moving to an entirely new place. Leaving all you know behind because you feel called to something new. Trusting that God will go with you, even if it is hard at first. Knowing God will guide your path even into avenues unknown. Or perhaps the kingdom of heaven is like a group of follow...