
Showing posts from November, 2014

Advent 1 (B) + Be restored in prayer + 11.30.14

Image M. Campbell-Langdell+ All Saints, Oxnard (Isaiah 63:19b-64:8; Ps. 80:1-7, 16-18; 1st Cor. 1:3-9; St. Mk 13:24-37) Restore us, O God of hosts; * show the light of your countenance, and we shall be saved. Many times, I find the texts of the first week of Advent jarring. Here we are, content after turkey dinner and ready to put up lights or whathaveyou, and here comes the end times!  Woohoo! Talk about getting ready for Christmas, right? A peppermint mocha with your apocalypse? But oddly enough, pouring over these readings earlier this week, the Isaiah passage really made me think of what is going on in Ferguson, MO. I can imagine the family of Mike Brown asking God to come down and intercede, do anything different, to bring about peace and justice. They don’t want the looting that has occurred. They want peace, and a just resolution. And again later this week, we heard the news that the church that the Brown family attends has been torched. It w...

Adviento 1 (B) + Sean restaurados en oracion + 11.30.14

Image M. Campbell-Langdell+ All Santos, Oxnard (Isa í as 63:19b-64:8; S. 80:1-7, 16-18; 1º Corintios 1:3-9; S. Marcos 13:24-37) Oh Dios de los Ejércitos, restáuranos; haz resplandecer tu rostro, y seremos salvos. Muchas veces, encuentro que las lecturas de la primera semana de Adviento me dan un choque. Aquí estamos, contentos después de nuestra cena de pavo, o lo que fue, y listos para armar las casas con luces, y… ¡ahora viene el fin del mundo!  Woohoo! Very cheery. Ahora estamos preparando para Navidad. ¿Un peppermint mocha con su apocalypsis? Advent 1 readings often seem such a shock when we are in full holiday preparation swing. Pero, lo diferente de este a ñ o es que, leyendo estas lecturas esta semana, el pasaje de Isaías realmente me toc ó con nuevas fuerzas en la luz de todo lo que ha estado pasando, especialmente en Ferguson, MO. Somehow, though, the Isaiah Reading in particular made me think of the events in Ferguson, MO this week. ...

Proper 28 (A) + Invitation to dance + 11.16.14

"Behold the Joy of Jesus" by Lindena Robb ( M. Campbell-Langdell+ All Santos, Oxnard (Judges 4:1-7, Ps. 123, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11, Matthew 25:14-30) If you didn’t already know, today’s parable will tell you one thing—Jesus would make a rotten money manager! I’m kidding of course, but look at the parable. Despite the fact that bankers are mentioned and thus there are obviously professionals who handle money around, this Lord divides huge amounts of money between his slaves or workers. One talent is fifteen years’ wages, so this is crazy money. And these are people who have no other official title which would lead you to believe that they can handle money. It’s kind of like leaving your life savings to your minor children to manage. What!? It’s actually kind of amazing how well two out of three of them do! So if this parable isn’t really advice about managing money, what on earth is it about? I would venture to say that o...

Propio 28 (A) + Invitacion a bailar + 11.16.14

"Behold the Joy of Jesus" by Lindena Robb M. Campbell-Langdell+ All Santos, Oxnard (Jueces 4:1-7, S. 123, 1 Tesalonicenses 5:1-11, San Mateo 25:14-30) Si no lo sabría antes, esta parábola de hoy le diría algo… ¡Jesús no es un buen consejero sobre cómo manejar su dinero! No, es chiste, pero de veras, ¿Qué hace este dueño? Aunque menciona que hay banco, el hombre en la parábola no da su dinero, que es una gran cantidad—un mil monedas supuestamente fue lo suficiente para vivir quince a ñ os—el da todo esto no a gente profesional tanto como a sus empleados. Ni tienen títulos como mayordomos para mostrarnos que saben lo que hacen, así que, ¡es una maravilla que dos de los tres hacen tan bien! Así que, ¿si esta parábola no se trata de cómo administrar el dinero, de que se trata? So if this parable isn’t really advice about managing money, what on earth is it about? Me atrevo a decir que un tema seria: ¿Cuánto conoce a Dios, de verdad? ¿O es su imagen de Dios más ...

Prop 27A + Resurrection hope + 11.9.14

Image M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard (Joshua 24:1–3a, 14–25; Ps. 78:1–7; 1 Thess. 4:13–18; St. Mat. 25:1–13) In every generation, we must decide again to be faithful. It was one of the most shocking moments of my journey, learning about the Jewish population in Europe. We were standing there in a museum of the Jews in Prague in the Czech Republic and our professor said this: “This museum, this is what Judaism is turning into. If we don’t convince the next generation to be people of faith, it will all die out.” I was flabbergasted—the idea of a whole faith tradition dying? Inconceivable, surely. But today’s passage from Joshua reminds us that every generation makes its own choice. Will we light the lamp of faith once more? The faith is always one generation away from extinction. [1] It is the same in Judaism as it is in Christianity, we must each one, each generation, make a choice to follow God. Each generation has to find its own way of saying, as J...

Propio 27(A) + La esperanza de la resurrección + 11.9.14

Image M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard (Josue 24:1–3a, 14–25; S. 78:1–7; 1 Tes. 4:13–18; S. Mat. 25:1–13) En cada generación, decidimos de nuevo de ser fieles a Dios. Recuerdo algo que escuch é cuando estaba viajando con mi grupo de estudios judíos en Europa. Fuimos a un museo de la gente judía en Praga en la Republica Checa y nuestro profesor nos dijo algo que me dio un choque. Dijo: “Este museo—esto es lo que esta pasado a la fe judío. Si no ense ñ amos a la próxima generación de ser gente de fe, se morir á .” Estaba sorprendida y un poco decepcionada. Esta idea de que una tradición de fe pudiera morir por completo fue un choque. ¿Seguramente no fue posible? Pero hoy escuchamos de la lectura de Josué que es la decisión de cada generación de encender la lámpara de la fe de nuevo. En cada momento, la fe es una generación separada de la extinción. We are always just one generation away from the death of the faith. [1] Es verdad para los judíos tanto co...