Christmas / Navidad 2023 + Gozo/ Joy
M. Campbell-Langdell
All Santos, Oxnard
62:6-12; Psalm
97; Titus
3:4-7; Luke
Joy. Alegría. Mi pensamiento
este Navidad es en el gozo. My thoughts this Christmas are of Joy.
Unexpected, unwarranted joy. No quiero decir que no hay cosas terribles
en el mundo. I don’t
mean to imply there isn’t an awful lot of sadness in the world. But joy, joy
joy is what I have in my heart. Tengo un gozo que no se puede
entender en mi corazón.
Because, in the midst of a dark time in history, God came. Dios
vino y vivió entre nosotros, moró entre nosotros, en la forma de un
bebe. God came and dwelt
among us, as a baby! And God showed up –where- in the midst of the humble
outskirts of an oppressive empire – to whom – to a humble family with little
means, including a pregnant teenager. Su madre fue una adolescente y
su padre no tenía muchos recursos, pero Dios vino a ellos. God came to them and the announcement
was made, as one poem said “to the kind of people who work third shift doing
stuff you’d rather not do.”[1]
Los ángeles anunciaron la venida de Emanuel a unos pastores. Ellos tal
vez estaban trabajando su tercer turno de trabajo del día. Y los ángeles los encontraron a
ellos. The angels surprised these shepherds – on their third shift in the hills
outside of Bethlehem. Surprised them with joy.
And isn’t that always the way? Joy tends to sneak up on us
when we least expect! La alegria viene cuando menos lo anticipa. Another poem I
heard this week spoke thus of joy:
“La alegría no llega con fanfarria-
Joy does not
arrive with a fanfare,
on a red
carpet strewn with the flowers of a perfect life.
sobre una alfombra roja sembrada de flores de una vida
Joy sneaks
in, as you pour a cup of coffee,
La alegría se viene furtivamente mientras te sirves
una taza de café.
watching the
sun hit your favourite tree, just right.
Ver el sol tocando tu árbol favorito, de manera
Y alejas la
And you
usher joy away,
because you
are not ready for it.
Porque no estás lista para ello.
Your house
is not as it must be,
for such a
distinguished guest.
Tu casa no está preparada por tan distinguido invitado
But joy
cares nothing for your messy home,
or your
or your
waistline, you see.
Pero a la alegría no le importa nada tu hogar
o su saldo bancario,
o tu cintura, ya ves.
Joy is
supposed to slither through the cracks of your imperfect life,
that’s how joy works.
La alegría debe deslizarse por las grietas de tu vida
así es como funciona la alegría.
You cannot
truly invite her, you can only be ready when she appears.
And hug her
with meaning,
because in
this very moment,
joy chose you.
Realmente no puedes invitarla, sólo puedes estar listo
cuando ella aparezca.
Y abrazarla fuertemente,
porque en este mismo momento,
la alegría te eligió.”[2]
Joy chose you. La alegria de eligió.
No sabemos mucho en este mundo. Pero sabemos esto de San Lucas: “Por esto, José
salió del pueblo de Nazaret, de la región de Galilea, y se fue a Belén, en
Judea, donde había nacido el rey David, porque José era descendiente de David.
Fue allá a inscribirse, junto con María, su esposa, que se encontraba encinta. While they were there, the time came
for her to deliver her child.”
Sabemos que nació Jesús hace
dos mil años y que él nos ama. El nos eligió. Para salvarnos. We don’t know a lot in this broken
world, but we do know is that Jesus was born two thousand years ago and loves
us. We hear the promise of Isaiah fulfilled: “Say to daughter Zion, "See,
your salvation comes; his reward is with him, and his recompense before
He chose us and saved us. From Titus 3: “He saved us, not
because of any works of righteousness that we had done, but according to his
mercy…” Él nos salvó no por lo que hicimos pero como resultado
de su divina misericordia. Él nos salvó. He saved us.
Not so life would be
perfect- that was never the promise. Nunca fuimos prometidos una
vida perfecta.
But we were promised joy. Pero
él nos trajo gozo. Alegría,
bienestar. He wishes us peace, joy that passes understanding, and wellbeing
that goes beyond the moment we are in.
“Light has
sprung up for the righteous, *
and joyful gladness for those who are truehearted. (Ps. 97:11).”
The world is dark. El mundo es oscuro. Let us welcome joy and
find a way to light the darkness for others, too. Que demos la
bienvenida a la alegría y encendemos una luz en la oscuridad para los demás,
Quinn G. Caldwell, “All I Really Want,” from Facebook post, 12.23.23.
Donna Ashworth, “Joy Chose You,” from WILD HOPE: healing words to fight on dark
days, (1)
Donna Ashworth - JOY CHOSE YOU Joy does not arrive with a... | Facebook.
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