Prop 12 B + Complicated humanity + ACL + 7.28.24
Complicated Humanity Proper 12B, John 6, Ephesians 3 St Paul’s Emmanuel, Santa Paula/ All Saints’ Oxnard, July 28, 2024 The Rev. Alene Campbell-Langdell Eric Minton, in his book It’s Not You, It’s Everything, tells the story of learning for the first time after his great-aunt’s death that her professed beliefs about drinking and gambling did not always match the way she lived. As he wrestles in the book with his sense of betrayal at this dichotomy between her beliefs and her life, he begins to recognize how the desire to appear perfect oneself or expect perfection from others is a form of violence. He writes, [My Southern Baptist tradition] never taught me how to be okay with my own and the world’s profound inconsistencies. It never helped me become a person, because people are complicated…. [C]ondensing life, people, faith, or even a God who became human into something consumable that we can immediately accept or reject, love or condemn, believe in ...