Epifanía 3 (C) + Que vemos en la cruz + What do we see in the cross + 1.24.16

(from Pixadilly by George Brown: http://www.pixadilly.com/archives/7559) M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard (Nehemías 8:1–3, 5–6, 8–10; Salmo 19; 1 Corintios 12:12–31ª; San Lucas 4:14–21) Let me ask you a question. What do we see in the Cross? ¿Que vemos en la cruz? One commentator pointed out something about a verse earlier in the First letter to the Corinthians than we read today. 1 Corintios 1:25 habla de “lo que en Dios parece debilidad” pero de hecho habla de “la cosa débil de Dios”—es decir—la cruz. 1 Corinthians 1:25 speaks of not the weakness of God but the “weak thing of God”- which is the cross. And this same commentator pointed out that if the cross is the weak thing of God, it was exactly in God’s weakness on the cross that we saw God’s strongest power. La crucifixión nos mostr ó en la plenitud el poder divino. [1] God’s power is made manifest in supposed weakness. El poder de Dios se manifiesta en la debilidad. Asi que vemos a Dios mejo...