Lent 3C + Life is short/ Life is long + 2.28.16

M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard (Exodus 3:1-15; Ps. 63:1-8; 1 Cor. 10:1-13; Luke 13:1-9) Sometimes you hear words of wisdom in unexpected places. Take for example a recent pearl of wisdom I heard in the telenovela “Jane the Virgin.” Jane the pregnant virgin was explaining to Rafael, the unsuspecting father of her child through artificial insemination, why they would not work together. She said, “You think that life is short. Well, I think that life is long.” But in all seriousness, life sometimes seems so short—shockingly so. This congregation has really been hit by that reality lately. Sometimes it feels as if the long race of life has been ended shockingly early or fast. We have seen it in the loss of Emeterio Cabrera, a member of this church, whose life was cut short so young by gang violence. We have seen it in the sudden loss last week of Ruben Lopez, a member here, who was suddenly struck by illness, leaving his wife Belen and two little girls. These thin...