Lent 5 (A) + Breathe on me, breath of God + 3.29.20

M. Campbell-Langdell All Saints, Oxnard (Ezequiel 37:1–14; Ps. 130; Romans 8:6–11; St. John 11:1–45) Our clergy meetings with Bishop Diane these past two weeks for those in Latino Ministry have been very helpful and grounding. One of the reasons for this is that we begin by looking at a big feelings chart and talk about how we are feeling. We are all usually a mixture of anxious, scared and hopeful. Anxious about all that is happening in the world and hopeful for the ways our communities are responding and that we can be a part of a creative response to it. Listening to today’s collect, I was struck by the language around “the changes and chances of this life.” Perhaps at no other time in my life have day to day changes seemed so big and with so many different ramifications both for daily life and ministry. Like many of you I have had to go with the flow of each day, which has not always been easy. Although I must admit it has been fun finding ways to connect with you all t...