Easter 4B + Good Shepherd + 4.21.24

Melissa Campbell-Langdell All Saints, Oxnard (Acts 4:5–12; Ps 23; 1 John 3:16–24; St John 10:11–18) During the Sermon Brainwave podcast a few years back, one of the commentators mentioned the story of a man he knew, a shepherd. He was at a county fair and saw someone needing assistance with their animals, so he went to their aid. But when he got back to his barn area, he noticed that some of his sheep were missing. He suspected a rancher from another county had snatched them. So, the next month when it was time for the fair for the neighboring county, he showed up and sure enough found his sheep in the other rancher’s barn. As he approached, his sheep began crying for him, and the other fellow said “surely you can’t tell these sheep apart” – indeed his sheep had been marked with the emblem of the other ranch. But he said, “I can definitely tell these are my sheep- and look, they know me too!” [1] And the point was made clear as they heard him and began to cry for him. Th...