Easter Vigil April 7, 2012 Bilingue

Tremble, O earth, at the presence of the LORD,
At the presence of the God of Jacob (Ps. 114:7)

Salmo 114: 7: Tiembla, oh tierra, a la presencia de mi Soberano, * a la presencia del Dios de Jacob

Entonces las mujeres salieron huyendo del sepulcro, pues estaban temblando, asustadas. Y no dijeron nada a nadie, porque tenían miedo. (San Marcos 16:8)
So they went out and fled from the tomb, for terror and amazement had seized them; and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid. (Mark 16:8)

A whole lot of fear accompanies the resurrection scene that we hear today.  Hay mucho susto en la resurrección que vemos hoy en día.  The women are so afraid.

They have come to this place to mourn, still shocked by all that has occurred.  Las mujeres han venido para llorar y decir adiós a Jesús, algo que no hicieron durante su muerte tan violenta.  One commentator points out there are no male disciples in this scene—just women ready to do the hard and gritty work of burying someone.  Las mujeres son las que están para el trabajo difícil de la preparación del cuerpo de Jesús.

Preparing with this passage this week I could not help but think about the movie for The Hunger Games, a flick some of you may have watched recently.  El temor en este pasaje me llevo a pensar en la película The Hunger Games, ¿no se si Ustedes han visto recientemente?  It is certainly not a story for everyone, since it is a bit violent.  It tells the story of a young woman who volunteers on her sister’s behalf to fight in an annually required battle to the death.

This is fought with other young people from poorer outlying districts in a post-apocalyptic America and this America is fueled by fear and greed.  The city folks are colorful but fake and bloodthirsty, in comparison to the almost hackneyed real but drab looking folks in the outlying districts.  America ha sido convertido aun mas en una nación de los que tienen y los que no tienen, y los que tienen no tienen ninguna conexión emocional con la gente de los distritos.  They can’t see the humanity of those in the districts at all, in fact, and want nothing more than to see them be violent. And what Katniss, the protagonist does in volunteering, is that she changes the rules of the game.

All throughout she does her best to act honorably and with sacrificial love instead of falling prey to the violent mentality of her surroundings.  Katniss se hace voluntaria para los juegos y en hacer esto muestra un amor sacrificial que cambia el juego.  Tambien muestra este amor en todo lo que hace. Despite the fear of death, she beautifully buries her young friend. Aun con el temor de la muerte, entierre a su joven amiga con muchos flores.  This scene kind of reminded me of these disciples of Jesus visiting him in the tomb, showing love and doing the difficult thing of burying their friend despite danger.    Jesus also demonstrated a sacrificial love that changed the game.  You see this mostly in what we have just lived through liturgically over the past week, but the resurrection tells us why this is important.  En la pasión de Cristo esta semana pasada hemos visto como es que Jesús cambió el juego de toda la historia humana en su sacrificio, pero la resurrección nos da el significado de todo esto.

You see this mostly in what we have just lived through liturgically over the past week, but the resurrection tells us why this is important.  En la pasión de Cristo esta semana pasada hemos visto como es que Jesús cambió el juego de toda la historia humana en su sacrificio, pero la resurrección nos da el significado de todo esto.
Katniss and Jesus show that Love, the opposite of fear, is what is truly powerful.  Nos muestran que el amor es lo más poderoso.  El amor es más poderoso aun que la muerte.  Love is more powerful even than death.

And those of us who have felt the presence of loved ones despite their death know a little about this.  Los que han sentido la presencia de seres queridos aun si han muertos han sentido un poco de esto.  We believe in a resurrection faith.  Creemos en una fe de la resurrección.
And we see hope.  We know that we are not stuck in the tomb of the fears of this world—whether they are as frightening as those of The Hunger Games or not.  Si tenemos miedos como los de los Hunger Games, o si nuestros miedos son más sutiles, sabemos que no quedamos en la tumba.  We know that angels abound.  Los ángeles están cerca de nosotros.  And that violence and death do not have the last word.  El amor vence a la violencia y a la muerte.  Alleluia!


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