Advent 1A + 12.1.13 + The light of a loving God

image from: M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard (Isaiah 2:1–5; Psalm 122; Romans 13:11–14; Matthew 24:36–44) “Ten-year-old ‘Josh’ came home from school to an empty house. His mother, normally at home to greet him, was nowhere to be found. She might have been at the store or at a neighbor’s, but Josh was terrified. His immediate response was a terrible fear that all his family had been ‘Raptured’ without him. Josh was sure he had been left behind.” [1] So begins a chapter in Barbara R. Rossing’s book, The Rapture Exposed, narrating a typical incident in the life of a child who has been raised with the particular and relatively recent concept of the Rapture favored by some aspects of the evangelical Christian tradition. A quick Facebook survey (very technical) told me that this is not an uncommon experience if you were raised within certain Christian traditions. If you weren’t raised with...