Christmas / Navidad (A) (Christmas II) + Jesus and empire, salvacion para todos + 12.25.13

M. Campbell-Langdell+ All Santos, Oxnard Joseph, a shepherd, Marc Chagall ( (Is. 62:6-12, Ps. 97, Titus 3:4-7, Luke 2: [1-7] 8-20) A very popular film this last month was “Catching Fire,” the second in the Hunger Games series. Por todo el país el mes pasado mucha gente vio la segunda película de los Hunger Games , “Catching Fire.” Si hubo violencia, que trato de evitar, pero para mí lo que me atrae es el desarrollo de los caracteres. What is really fascinating in the series is to see the characters develop. They start off as kids from the very margins of society, and then something crazy happens, they win this big “hunger games” event in a way no one has done before. Ellos ganan el evento de los “hunger games” en una manera que nunca ha pasado antes porque la protagonista está dispuesta a sacrificarse a sí misma. After their victory, they are thrust into the center of activity through their success, and exposed to fame a...