Lent 5 (B) + Touchable Jesus + 3.22.15

(http://www.cherylricker.com/2012/05/whos-the-judge/woman-with-jesus-small/) Melissa Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard ( Jeremiah 31:31-34 ; Psalm 51:1-13 ; Hebrews 5:5-10 ; John 12:20-33 ) Remembering Malcolm Boyd who often wrote in this style, a meditative conversation with Jesus. Jesus, we wish to see you. We are rushing like the Greeks in this gospel reading, to see you. To hear what it is you have to say to us. To tell us about eternal life. Whatever it is you can say, Jesus , to make this whole world seem better. Jesus , we want to see you. Not the great high priest on a pedestal, Jesus , Although that’s what you are, too, But to see you . In the flesh. But it is hard to see you like this. With all your barriers down, knowing what you will go through. Jesus , we want to see you. But it is hard for us. It is hard for us because we still have this idea that you are a white knight on a horse, or perhaps someone who can’t be hurt. ...