All Santos + 11.1.15

Melissa Campbell-Langdell
All Saints Oxnard
(Sabiduría 3:1–9; Salmo 24; Revelación 21:1–6ª; San Juan 11:32–44)

“Those who trust in him will understand truth, and the faithful will abide with him in love,
because grace and mercy are upon his holy ones, pues Dios es bueno y favorece a sus elegidos.”
(Wisdom/Sabiduría 3:9).
Los que confían en el Señor comprenderán la verdad. La verdad. The truth is a mystery, a mystery we hold today. Death and life. Sacred Communion, a mystical body. La verdad místico—este mundo no es toda la realidad. But death holds an unavoidable pain when it is the death of those we love, because a loved one has been taken from us. Even Jesus is moved at his friend Lazarus’ death. Aun Jesús duele por la muerte de su amigo Lázaro. And yet, God will restore even this. Dios sí renovará a todo esto.
How to grasp this mystery? Naturally, I will go to a children’s tale. Obviamente, voy a un cuento de los niños. ¿Algunos vieron la película “The Book of Life” el año pasado? Did anyone see the movie last Halloween called “The Book of Life?” It is an animated film that in part talks about the celebration of The Day of the Dead and the practice of honoring and remembering loved ones who have passed on. Se trata del tema del día de los muertos y como tenemos que recordar a nuestros seres queridos cuando ya se van de nosotros.[1] And this is a bit of what we do today. We honor not only the saints of ages past, but we remember those—in our families and those of our Friends—and also those in our faith family—who have died. We honor them. Honramos a los que han fallecido hoy mientras también honramos a los santos de los tiempos antiguos. Es una manera de conectar con nuestras familias biológicas y con nuestra familia de fe.
In the movie, kids who visit a museum are told the story of Maria, Manolo and Joaquin, and how La Muerte, the ruler of the land of the remembered, did a deal with Xibalba, the ruler of the land of the forgotten, over which boy would win Maria’s heart. Aunque la historia habla de quien va a ganar el amor de María, realmente se trata de la importancia de recordar nuestros seres queridos y tener orgullo de nuestras familias, y los miembros vivos y muertos. Although this little love triangle is one focus of the story, the real message is that we need to honor and remember our family so that we can have pride in our heritage.
There are aspects of the film that I found quite true. The fact is, we as Christians know that death is not the end, so the days of All Saints and All Souls remind us that we really are a part of a mystical body of believers just separated by the veil of death. We will all be restored and reunited into one body. La muerte nos separa para ahora de nuestros seres queridos que han fallecido, pero como vemos en la lectura del libro de Apocalipsis, vamos a estar restaurados a un solo cuerpo, justo como los cielos y la tierra estarán renovados. Just as the heavens and the earth will be restored, we will be restored to those we love. And we remember them this day so that we do not lose sight of that truth.
Apart from the lack of mention of God, one of the other aspects of the film that was different from what our tradition believes was the fear was that the loved ones would be forgotten. The land of the forgotten was the greatest horror in the film, but our tradition believes, as we see in the book of wisdom, that the real error of the unrighteous is that they forget. They forget that this is not all there is.[2] De contraste con la película, en que vemos que el horror es estar olvidado, lo peor en nuestra tradición cristiana es olvidar. Olvidar que este mundo no es todo lo que hay. This simply is not all there is. We must remember the mystery. And the truth is, God will never forget us. Dios nunca nos olvidará.
But there are times when this is hard, even for Jesus. Aun para Jesús, hay tiempos cuando esto es bien difícil. Toma el momento en que vea que su amigo Lázaro ha muerto. Se supone que se sabe de una manera. Pero Dios vino a vivir entre nosotros en forma de Jesús, y en esto Jesús sufrió todas las emociones humanas. Duele cuando perdemos a alguien; a un ser querido. God came to dwell with us, just as we hear in Revelation, God’s dwelling place is with humans, and in Jesus God pitched God’s tent with us. Jesus experienced full humanity and in that he experienced loss. The pain of losing a dear, dear friend. He, who knew all about eternal life, was still touched to the core, disturbed by the pain. Aunque Jesús sabía todo sobre la vida eterna, el todavía sintió la perdida.
So we cannot be surprised when we, too, feel pain when we lose someone dear, even if we also know about the mystery. Even if we have not forgotten that this is not all there is. Tenemos que entender que es natural sentir este dolor de la perdida aunque sabemos que hay la vida eterna.
One of our responses to this as a congregation is to honor our departed, but we also choose to celebrate the saints that are among us. Too often we forget to publicly acknowledge all that our more sage parishioners have taught us, and all that they mean to us. So the vestry wanted to take a moment to honor you, our wisdom-bearers. Una manera que vivimos esto es honrar a nuestros santos difuntos con nuestros santos, pero también tenemos que honrar a nuestros seres queridos que están aquí con nosotros. Siempre decimos que es mejor celebrar la vida con la persona. La junta parroquial y yo queremos honrar hoy a los que comparten la sabiduría de muchos años de vida y fe con nosotros.
We have many saints here, and there is richness in the experience that many in our congregation have shared with us. They are the givers. Ellos son los que comparten con nosotros, y en dar de su experiencia, y de su fe, somos más ricos y más fuertes como una congregación. To our wisdom-bearers, in giving of your experience, you teach us about the mysteries of faith and the practicalities of living it, even when facing pain and loss.
So let us now as a congregation do something a bit different. I would ask all of our elders, the loved ones who carry the wisdom and experience of the congregation to stand as you are able for a moment. You know who you are, don’t be shy! It is those of you who have been attending here many years and those of you who may be more recent members of our congregation but who carry many years of being a Christian. Pedimos que se pongan de pie cómo sea posible nuestra gente mayor, nuestros seres queridos que llevan la sabiduría de la congregación para un momento, si es que han venido aquí por muchos años o si recién vienen con muchos años de sabiduría.  Saben quiénes son, nuestros doñas y dones, ¡un don a nosotros! I am not calling out names to avoid making anyone feel uncomfortable. And please, look further in your bulletin, for a dedication for our wisdom bearers. Vamos a hacer esta dedicación –la oración en su boletín para nuestros portadores de sabiduría.
Y al fin, miembros de la junta parroquial van a pasar con algo por los que están parados—si no pueden parar, solo mocionan a ellos—un recuerdo que ustedes son nuestros ángeles y los honramos hoy y siempre. At the end of the dedication, our vestry members will walk around and give to those standing some little angel wings. We honor you as angels in our midst, or as those who bring out the better angels of our nature. We honor your wisdom, now and always.
These words may seem overblown, but if you think about it, they are true. This is what makes us All Santos, is that we love each other in this way. Estas palabras que vamos a decir, en inglés y en español a la vez, son correctos porque así nos amamos uno al otro, y esto es parte quienes somos como la iglesia de Todos los Santos.
Do we all have the tribute? Lo decimos todos juntos para nuestros portadores de sabiduría. Let us say it together:
Tribute: We give thanks for the gift of your wisdom, the fruit of your years. We thank you for keeping alive the moments, stories, and traditions you pass on to us in this congregation. We learn from the wealth of your experience. We promise to stay with you as you continue your journey among us, and to hold you in our hearts and memories, whatever lies ahead. We will listen to you, grieve with your losses, and pray with you through times of trial. We will encounter Christ in you as you continue to serve in his Name. Reflect Christ’s wisdom and grace in your midst, and now receive these gifts as signs of our love.[3]

[1] “The Book of Life,” 2014.
[2] Peter Enns, “Footnote to Wisdom 3:1-9,” New Interpreter’s Study Bible (2003), 1424-1425.
[3] Prayer from Changes, p. 58.


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