Trinity Sunday (C) + That playful Trinity + 5.22.16

(Holy Trinity Shutterspeed from: M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard ( Proverbs 8:1–4, 22–31; Ps 8; Romans 5:1–5; St. John 16:12–15) “Oh Lord our Governor, how exalted is your name in all the world!” So starts Psalm 8, and if you are like me, you begin to feel that perhaps this means that God is above everything, like a distant ruler who sometimes peers imperiously in our direction. But if you have ever seen a British film, you may have heard another way of pronouncing this word, Governor—“Gov’nor.” It is a term bandied about in a friendly way and is a bit like when guys might call each other “boss” or “jefe” to show joking respect. Oh Lord our Gov’nor—this is a much friendlier image-a relatable one—we don’t have some distant monarch in the sky but a God whose whole being is about being in relationship. Because that is what we talk about today, on Trinity Sunday. If you look up the Holy Trinity in google images, chances are you will s...