Proper 28 C + Not God's first rodeo + 11.13.16

( M. Campbell-Langdell All Saints, Oxnard ( Isaiah 65:17–25; Canticle 9; 2 Thess. 3:6–13; St Luke 21:5–19) I had the pleasure of seeing Carol Puorto’s daughter Shari perform with her blues band several months ago and I enjoyed her music so much I picked up her CD. When I exclaimed at her having a special metallic “Sharpie” with which to sign her CDs, she said, “This isn’t my first rodeo!” And that struck me. This week, we had election news that shocked some of us, and perhaps not so much for others of us. Some of my friends have been completely rocked to the core by this result. But I turn to this week’s scriptures to remind myself that this is not God’s first rodeo. In today’s collect, or prayer of the day, we heard that we read scripture because it helps to give us strength for the hard and confusing moments of our lives. It helps us maintain hope and faith. For some, those hard and confusing moments came on Tuesday night, but for others a...