Proper 29 B + Trans Jesus + 11.25.18

M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard ( 2 Samuel 23:1-7; Psalm 132:1-13 (14-19); Revelation 1:4b-8; John 18:33-37 ) Pilate asked him, “So you are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. For this I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.” (John 18:37) And later, “What is truth?” In this, one of the most dramatic moments of scripture, we see two people facing each other. In a sense, what they are each sharing is so iconic, it almost doesn’t matter the kind of men – indeed people- they are. They represent two different paradigms. Pilate, of the Roman hierarchy, a wielder of power and a confident decision maker, for whom authority looks like might, and sometimes like violence. Jesus, a seemingly humble Jew, a rabbi or teacher, a vagabond, who represents none of the ideas Pilate has around power. What is truth? What is power? But Pilate sees power in Jesus. He smells it...