Proper 12 (A) + Kin-dom seed + 7.26.20

Melissa Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard (Ps 105:1–11, 45b; Romans 8:26–39; St Matthew 13:31–33, 44–52) The Kin-dom of Heaven is like an immigrant from Burma who comes to the US with ten dollars in his pocket and builds a life. The Kin-dom of Heaven is like a pandemic baker carefully cultivating the sourdough starter and mixing just a little into the batch so it will rise. In the Christian Century Magazine in May, Debra Dean Murphy spoke of a “communion of the helpless” and how it feels to pray in the face of a pandemic. When things feel too big, we may feel we are simply offering our prayers without any sense of efficacy. But she continues to say that “there is no place from which the love of God is absent,” [1] even in a pandemic. There is no place where the love of God is absent. And today’s gospel reminds us that there is nothing too small to make a huge difference in the world. A small mustard seed grows into a big bush, or apparently a tree in some places...