Advent 1 B+ Light in the darkness + 11.29.20

M. Campbell-Langdell All Saints, Oxnard ( Isaiah 64:1-9 ; Psalm 80:1-7, 16-18 ; 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 ; Mark 13:24-37 ) Genesis told me about a meme that my father shared with her at Thanksgiving. Ringo Starr shared it, and as you will expect, it is Beatles themed- the classic Abbey road pic you may remember of the Beatles walking on a Zebra crossing, with George Harrison, Ringo Starr Paul McCartney going one direction and John Lennon going the other direction. In it, George Harrison asks John Lennon, “What happened?” and Lennon replies, “I forgot my mask...” [1] Of course this is a humorous take on our modern predicament, but I think it also highlights a point made about the readings from today by the Rev. Dr. Courtney V. Buggs. She says that the speech of Mark 13 in which Jesus asks his disciples to remain awake during the perhaps chaotic times to come before his arrest and crucifixion, points out the dangers of falling asleep, or of not being aware of surroundings during chal...