Epifanía/ Epiphany 4 B + Prison/ Prision + 1.31.21

M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard ( Deut. 18:15–20; S./Ps. 111; 1 Cor. 8:1–13; S. Mar. 1:21–28) “Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up. El conocimiento hincha de orgullo, en tanto que el amor edifica la comunidad.” Wow, did I learn that as a younger priest. Because you come out of seminary so full of knowledge, and the ordination exams give you a false sense that if you just have the right answer, people will somehow be enlightened or blessed by your presence. El seminario le da una idea de que siempre tiene que tener la respuesta apropiada, y así es la gente iluminada. But it’s not that simple. As you see in Jesus’ interaction with the man who is possessed today, he is in the temple and what is required here is not his intellect, but his heart and spirit. A heart to release this man from a spirit of bondage and fill him with the Holy Spirit. No es tan sencillo. Aquí en la escritura vemos que Jesús está en la sinagoga en Cafarnaúm y entra el señor con un...