
Showing posts from October, 2024

Proper 23 B + the windows of heaven + 10.13.24

  M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard ( Job 23:1-9, 16-17; Psalm 22:1-15; Hebrews 4:12-16; Mark 10:17-31 ) Good morning. Today’s scriptures remind me that there is more here than meets the eye. Job suffers greatly, and yet he actually gets to talk with God! In addition, here is the rich young man. We see him interact with Jesus, asking how to inherit eternal life? He has followed the commandments from his youth. And Jesus, looking at him, loves him and says, sell everything, give it to the poor, have treasure in heaven, and follow me. I don’t know about you, but I think that the man and oftentimes many readers of this scripture get focused on the first part. Selling everything. It is a tall order. We begin to wonder- would we need to do that too? Or is this command only for the young man? I tend to think that Jesus would give each of us a different command based on whatever it is that separates us from God. Since the young man thought he was only blessed because of his stuf

Propio 23 B + Ventanas del cielo + 10.13.24

  M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard ( Job 23:1-9, 16-17; Salmo 22:1-15; Hebreos 4:12-16; Marcos 10:17-31 ) Buenos días. Las escrituras de hoy me recuerdan que hay más de lo que se ve fácilmente. Job sufre mucho, pero ¡habla directamente con Dios! En adición, tenemos este hombre joven y rico. Lo vemos interaccionar con Jesús. Dice: “, ¿qué debo hacer para alcanzar la vida eterna?” Ha seguido los mandamientos desde su juventud. Y Jesús lo mira con amor, y dice, “Una cosa te falta: anda, vende todo lo que tienes y dáselo a los pobres. Así tendrás riqueza en el cielo. Luego ven y sígueme.” No sé de ustedes, pero muchas veces yo pienso que nos enfoquemos mucho en la primera parte de esto. En vender todo. No es algo sencillo. ¿Nos empezamos a preguntar- tenemos que hacer esto nosotros? ¿O este mandamiento es solo para este hombre rico? Pienso yo que tal vez Jesús tendría otro reto para cada uno de nosotros basado en lo que nos separa de Dios. Como el hombre rico pensó que sus r

Propio/Proper 22 B + Relationships / Relaciones + 10.6.24

  M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard (Job 1:1; 2:1–10; Salmo/Ps. 26; Hebreos/Hebrews 1:1–4; 2:5–12; San Marcos/ Mark 10:2–16) Good morning! Buenos días. The texts for today cover a lot of different areas. They may even make us feel uncomfortable as we feel challenged, but they also speak of God’s majesty and the importance of relationships, with God and with people. Los textos de hoy cubren varios temas. Estos temas hasta nos pueden hacer sentir incomodos porque presentan desafíos, pero también hablan de la majestad de Dios y la importancia de relaciones – nuestra relación con Dios y las relaciones que tenemos el uno con el otro. Let us start very early on with Job. Job is a story that began to be formed before the time of Abraham, or is talking about the time before the Abrahamic faiths, and the way that people tried to understand what God was doing in the world, how bad things could happen to good people, but also how we could, as people, have a relationship with the