Baptism of the Lord + 1/12/25
M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard (Isaiah 43:1–7; Ps. 29; Acts 8:14–17; St. Luke 3:15–17, 21–22) Veni Sancte Spiritus… Veni Sancte Spiritus… Come, Holy Spirit… I remember the echo of these haunting words moving through my body, vibrating through the wood near the altar of the cathedral, on which I was lying prostrate. Although my posture and that of my peers was one of great humility, a recognition of the wondrous and fearful action that was about to occur, our ordination into the priesthood of the Episcopal Church, to be honest in that moment I felt an almost mystical sense of being held in the Spirit. I felt that mass of worshippers chanting, invoking the Spirit’s presence, beseeching that same Spirit to bless our ministries, to work in and through us as priests. I could have stayed there forever, but instead I stood up, those fifteen years ago, because there was something to be done, and it has been an amazing journey ever since, and even before. This is...