
Baptism of the Lord + 1/12/25

  M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard (Isaiah 43:1–7; Ps. 29; Acts 8:14–17; St. Luke 3:15–17, 21–22)   Veni Sancte Spiritus… Veni Sancte Spiritus… Come, Holy Spirit… I remember the echo of these haunting words moving through my body, vibrating through the wood near the altar of the cathedral, on which I was lying prostrate. Although my posture and that of my peers was one of great humility, a recognition of the wondrous and fearful action that was about to occur, our ordination into the priesthood of the Episcopal Church, to be honest in that moment I felt an almost mystical sense of being held in the Spirit. I felt that mass of worshippers chanting, invoking the Spirit’s presence, beseeching that same Spirit to bless our ministries, to work in and through us as priests. I could have stayed there forever, but instead I stood up, those fifteen years ago, because there was something to be done, and it has been an amazing journey ever since, and even before. This is...

Bautismo del SeƱor + 1.12.25

  M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard ( IsaĆ­as 43:1–7; Salmo 29; Hechos 8:14–17; San Lucas 3:15–17, 21–22)   Veni Sancte Spiritus… Veni Sancte Spiritus… Ven, EspĆ­ritu Santo… Recuerdo como estas palabras en latĆ­n resonaban y vibraban en mi cuerpo mientras me postraba en el piso de madera cerca del altar de la catedral. Aunque mi postura y la de mis colegas fue uno de gran humildad, un reconocimiento de la acciĆ³n asombrosa y temerosa que iba a ocurrir, nuestra ordenaciĆ³n al sacerdocio de la Iglesia Episcopal, para ser bien honesta en ese instante sentĆ­ mĆ”s un sentido casi mĆ­stico de estar mantenido en oraciĆ³n en el EspĆ­ritu.  In that moment of my ordination, lying face down on the floor of the cathedral, I felt more awe than humility, although sometimes they are the same thing.  SentĆ­ como la muchedumbre cantaba, y como invocaba la presencia del EspĆ­ritu, suplicando que ese mismo EspĆ­ritu bendijera a nuestros ministerios. Que trabajara en nosotros como sa...

Epiphany/ Epifania Year C + 1.5.25

  M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos Oxnard (IsaĆ­as 60:1–6; Salmo 72:1–7, 10–14; Efesios 3:1–12; San Mateo 2:1–12) Local author Vanesa Chua wrote a delightful little book, some copies of which she donated to the church, called Driftwood Lanterns about a boy whose mother sadly passes away during the COVID pandemic and who is sent to live in a boat in the Channel Islands Harbor with his mother’s best friend from college. Despite many tragic events, the two find a family together. And throughout the book, they are both guided in their dreams, encouraged in their journey of building a new family together. Autora local Vanesa Chua escribiĆ³ un muy lindo librito llamado Driftwood Lanterns sobre un niƱo quien pierde su mama a COVID, solo para mudar hasta Oxnard y vivir con el mejor amigo de su mama en su barca. Tras el libro, Dios los guie por medio de sus sueƱos. Ella don Ć³ algunas copias a la iglesia en ingles. In the same way, God speaks to the magi, or wise men, via a dream i...

Navidad 1 + Una luz brilla en la oscuridad + MCL + 12.29.24

  M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard (IsaĆ­as 61:10–62:3; Salmo 147; GĆ”latas 3:23–25; 4:4–7; San Juan 1:1–18) ¡Feliz Navidad! ¿Tal vez piensen que estoy un poco atrasada? ¿No lo es, porque sabemos que la Navidad sigue hasta … cuando? (Reyes) AsĆ­ es! ¡AsĆ­ que, Feliz Navidad! Porque de niƱa me encantaba la Navidad. En Nochebuena siempre fuimos a la iglesia y cantamos todos los himnos. Recuerdo sentir perdida en un bosque de adultos y yo cantando, sosteniendo el himnario medio pesado, repitiendo la “Glo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oria” con los demĆ”s. Me sentĆ­ tan orgullosa cuando alguien me felicit Ć³ en mi cantar. Y luego, aunque nos solĆ­amos dormir en cuartos separados, mi hermano y yo siempre pasĆ”bamos la noche en el mismo cuarto, y al amanecer “Santa” nos habĆ­a dejado las medias navideƱas en la parte detrĆ”s de nuestras camas, como de magia. Y nos levantamos y asĆ­ empezĆ³ un dĆ­a divertido de amor y regalos y buena comida tambiĆ©n. En esa Ć©poca, yo tenĆ­a un libro que me enc...
  M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard Advent 4 C + 12.22.24 ( Micah 5:2-5a ; Canticle 15 (or 3) ; Hebrews 10:5-10 ; Luke 1:39-45, (46-55) ) “My soul sings of you O God My spirit delights in your presence You have cherished my womanhood You have honored earth’s body All will know the sacredness of earth All will know the gift of life…” Thus begins “The Song of Mary” by Fran McKendree, may he rest in peace, a fitting song for our scriptures today. In today’s gospel reading, we see a most ordinary interaction that within it cloaks something entirely out of the ordinary. Mary, having learned that she is pregnant, travels to see her cousin. Does she go for advice from the older woman? Does she go to help her out in her advanced pregnancy? It may have been a bit of both, but either way Mary makes a long journey in her early pregnancy to see her cousin. She has likely traveled this way before. I imagine her striding confidently to the hill country to meet her relat...
  M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard Adviento 4 C + 12.22.24 (Miqueas 5:2–5ĀŖ; CĆ”ntico 8; Hebreos 10:5–10; San Lucas 1:39–45)   “Mi alma canta de ti o Dios Mi espĆ­ritu deleita en tu presencia. Mi feminidad tĆŗ has apreciado Has honrado el cuerpo de la tierra Todos conocerĆ”n lo sagrado que es la tierra Todos sabrĆ”n el don de la vida.” AsĆ­, con mi traducciĆ³n va “The Song of Mary” por Fran McKendree, QEPD, una canciĆ³n apta por las escrituras de hoy. En la lectura del evangelio de hoy, vemos una interacciĆ³n tĆ­pica que por dentro de si, revela el poder de Dios. MarĆ­a ha aprendido del Ć”ngel Gabriel que esta encinta y ella viaja para visitar a su prima. ¿La visita fue para pedir consejos de la mujer mayor? ¿O se va para ayudarla a Isabel? Yo me imagino que fue un poco de las dos cosas. De todos modos, uno se supone que ella ya conoce el camino. Yo la imagino a MarĆ­a, caminando con confianza tras las colinas y reflexionando sobre todo lo que el Ć”ngel le dijo. ...

Advent 3 C + Surprised by Joy + ACL+ 12.15.24

  Surprised by Joy Advent 3C, 2024 (Zephaniah 3, Luke 3) St Paul’s Emmanuel, Santa Paula The Rev. Alene Campbell-Langdell   C.S. Lewis titled his autobiography relating the story of his conversion to Christianity, Surprised by Joy.   As an atheist, Lewis was nevertheless aware of a longing throughout his life for something that he couldn’t quite name, something that always seemed just beyond his grasp.   He came to call these glimpses of desire, Joy, and to reference this longing as a real part of his journey from atheism to faith. These moments are hard to describe, and yet, if we are willing to pay attention, most of us know what Lewis is talking about.   These are the moments when, despite all outward circumstances, there is a spark of life in the world.   That pink moment as the sun is setting over the mountains in Ojai or the stillness of watching a baby sleep when the whole world seems caught up in that moment.   Into Advent, in the mid...