Proper 8(A) + Discipleship is easy; discipleship is costly + 6.29.14

( M. Campbell-Langdell + All Saints, Oxnard (Genesis 22:1-14, Psalm 13, Romans 6:12-23, Matthew 10:40-42) I wouldn’t say I’m God’s gift to the art of preaching, but I can say that a help that God has given me in this vocation is the gift of listening to the Spirit quickly, or at least trying to. This means that many times, after I have read over our lectionary readings for the coming Sunday, I quickly begin to form a little of what I will say. If often takes a little while longer to read comments or sometimes translate a portion of scripture or otherwise deepen my message but this expedience is a special help in a bilingual congregation wherein I work almost double the usual time on my sermon because I always translate it, too! Not so this week. I've been gnawing like a dog with a bone all week on this text with Abraham and Isaac in Genesis, what the Jews call the Aqedah , or the binding of Isaac. I was trying to sort out ho...