Christmas I + Spin with joy! + 12.27.15

M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard ( Isaiah 61:10–62:3; Ps. 147; Galatians 3:23–25; 4:4–7; St. John 1:1–18) “Comfort, comfort ye my people” we sang a little while back, words that also come out of the mouth of the prophet Isaiah. And God responded to that call. God came to us, to live with us. The Greek says “God pitched his tent with us.” In the land of a desert-dwelling people, this meant that God firmly placed his lodging in Jesus alongside all the other frail but faithful homes in the wild landscape of an unforgiving world. God pitched his tent among us. And God came as an infant. What a wonderful strange thing that is. We cry for comfort and God responds. But interestingly as a small creature himself in need of comfort and care. He came to give us comfort and joy. But what comfort did we give him? There was not much in his life that spoke of our care—a wonderful mother, yes. A woman who washed his feet with her hair, some perfume and tears. There may have been ...