Easter 6 (C) + Lydia, audacious woman + 5.1.16

(http://www.shawnaatteberry.com/2014/03/17/ lydia-buisness-woman-and-home-church-pastor/) M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard ( Acts 16:9–15; Ps. 67; Revelation 21:10, 22–22:5; John 14:23–29) I want to sing the praises of audacious women. In England, where I was born, it was well understood that a woman, if she wanted to appear well-born, should be soft-spoken and calm in demeanor. If too loud or gregarious, you run the risk of been seen as low-class, or worse, American. J Jewish culture at the time of Saint Paul was not all that different. We know this, ironically, because it is said that Macedonian woman, by contrast, were known to be a lot freer and a bit wilder than others in the greater Mediterreanean and Levant region where Paul and his companions traveled. [1] And this is the same region where Paul meets Lydia and her household; her companions at prayer. And we can imagine the scene. Here are Paul and his companions, and they approach this group that they ...