Proper 25 (B) +Take heart! + 10.28.18

(From Diana Glyer's Clay in the Potter's Hands) M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard (Job 42:1–6, 10–17; Ps. 34:1–8, (19–22); Hebrews 7:23–28; St Mark 10:46–52) Today I want to talk about two hidden things and a question. The two hidden things reside in the scripture which we don’t hear today. The words between the dots, which are the humiliation of Job’s friends. God basically tells them off because, as it says in the scripture they have not spoken of him what is right. One Hebrew scholar actually says this is an incorrect translation. A better version “you have not spoken to me as you should have.” [1] God’s quibble is not so much of what Job’s friends said about God- namely that God would not have allowed such things to happen if Job hadn’t done something wrong – as much as the fact that rather than engaging in dialogue with God as Job did, they just leapt to conclusions and spoke to Job. Instead, Job talked to God, and yes God gave him what-for also, bu...