Proper 24 C + Judge... not + 10.20.19

( overruling-the-unjust-judge-a-sermon-on-luke-181-8/ ) M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard ( Jeremiah 31:27-34; Psalm 119:97-104; 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5; Luke 18:1-8 ) Once there was a very mean judge who sat on his high chair in his dusty courtroom and loved putting on his robes so he could show everyone how important he was. His father had been a plumber but he was a judge! And he loved to hand out judgments when it suited him but he didn’t much like other people coming in to tell him how to do justice. Well, the widow who came to visit him didn’t much care what the judge liked or didn’t like. She knew she was the victim of an injustice and so she came to the court every day, rain or shine, to argue her case. The judge thought, “Who is this woman? She isn’t a lawyer; she can’t even speak properly about her case! I shall ignore her.” But time after time, she came back, until the judge said, thinking out loud,” OK, what will...