Proper 28 (C) + Living Stones + 11.17.19

(Living Stones Succulent from: item/32250096133.html ) M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard ( Isaiah 65:17–25; Canticle 9; 2 Thess. 3:6–13; St Luke 21:5–19) “See, in Zion He is known As a chosen precious cornerstone And the ones who come to trust in Him Will never know the shame That He bore on that Cross when it seems That all was lost He is a Stone that makes men stumble The Rock that makes them fall Living stones, living stones We are holy, living stones Built upon the firm foundation That is Jesus And as we cling to that Rock Who became a Stumbling Block We remember we are living stones” (Michael Card, “Living Stones”) Today I would like to talk of temples. Temples of stone and temples of people. In today’s gospel, the disciples are checking out the temple in Jerusalem. Now this was Herod’s pet project, a sort of memorial to him. And to get a sense of the scope, you might want to think about the pyramids in Egy...