Easter 3A, 2020 + Taking up the Cup of Salvation + 4.26.20 (ACL+)

("Cup of Salvation," Lisa Dubois, found at: https://pixels.com/featured/1-cup-of-salvation-lisa-dubois.html ) The Rev. Alene Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard Psalm 116, Luke 24:13-35 It was all anyone could talk about. Every news channel covered it non-stop. As the couple walked along together that evening, it was hard for them to talk of anything else. All their plans and hopes for the future had been upended. Uncertainty and questions were the new norm. So, who was this stranger who suddenly walked beside them (ignoring all the social distancing rules)? How could he not know what everyone was talking about? And furthermore, how dare he bring a discussion of God into a tragedy this enormous? Where is God in the midst of suffering? It’s one of the great mysteries of theology. Is suffering God’s judgment? Are those who are spared or healed somehow more righteous than those who are not? How can suff...