All Saints / Todos los Santos + 11.1.2020

M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard (Rev. 7:9-17; Ps./S. 34:1-10, 22; 1 Jn 3:1-3; S. Mat. 5:1-12) “Do you live by the book, do you play by the rules? Do you care what is thought by others about you? If this day is all that is promised to you Do you live for the future, the present, the past?” [1] La canción “Unsung Psalm” por Tracy Chapman dice esto, y me hacen pensar en mi vida. Do we always live by the book – if it is the Bible, we try to, but it is always our own interpretation in our own time. Sometimes we don’t play by the rules, if they are the rules of our culture and not God’s rules. Tratamos de seguir a las reglas de Dios y a sus escrituras pero siempre estamos interpretándolas según las realidades de nuestras vidas. Estamos entre cultura y Cristo, discerniendo la verdad. We interpret the truth that lies somewhere between Christ and culture. But we always hope that at the end of our lives we will be accepted into God’s embrace and into the glorious company of ...