Lent 5 C + Unbind him + 3.26.23

M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard (Ezekiel 37:1–14, Ps. 130, Romans 8:6–11, John 11:1–45) Unbind him, and let him go. A man who was dead walks out of a tomb, wrapped in death shroud and smelling of death and the warm spices of the preparation of the dead. And Jesus says, “unbind him, and let him go!” The same God who breathed life into the bones in the valley of dry bones breathes life into Lazarus. And he is healed. And restored to his family. This healing is good, amazing news! And yet this gospel can be both a word of hope and a challenge for faithful people who have lost a loved one. How do we accept that Jesus would raise that one, and not our loved one? It was, of course, a sign. Another way for us to learn that he was divine. This passage falls within a series of “I am” statements in John, reminding us that Jesus is God’s incarnate son. And yet there is a hidden message here in the good news of Lazarus. Beyond the effervescent joy his family must have exper...