Proper 21 (B) + How will you use your power? + 9.30.18

( M. Campbell-Langdell All Santos, Oxnard (Esther 7:1–6, 9–10; 9:20–22; Ps. 124; James 5:13–20; St Mark 9:38–50) To tell the story of Queen Esther, it is necessarily to begin with the story of another woman, Queen Vashti. Vashti would not parade herself for her king and his subjects, and this raised all manner of fears about wives not obeying husbands, so she was sent away. Esther, a Jewish woman living in exile, is brought into the court and powdered up and somehow catches the king’s eye. She becomes the new queen. I like to think of her as a savvy Audrey Hepburn – demure but strong. She is wise. She knows that she is in a small kingdom run by a king who was at times mercurial in temperament, and she has to be careful. The new queen she may be, but years of prejudice allow the king’s official Haman to go around expressing his wish not only to mortify Mordecai but also to kill the Jews. She needs to save her people and keep her own skin intact while doing so...