Pentecost(es) + Do not be afraid. Celebramos! + 2019

M. Campbell-Langdell
All Santos, Oxnard
(Hechos 2:1–21; Salmo 104:25–35, 37 loc; Romanos 8:14–17; San Juan 14:8–17, (25–27))

»Les estoy diciendo todo esto mientras estoy con ustedes; pero el Defensor, el Espíritu Santo que el Padre va a enviar en mi nombre, les enseñará todas las cosas y les recordará todo lo que yo les he dicho.
»Les dejo la paz. Les doy mi paz, pero no se la doy como la dan los que son del mundo. No se angustien ni tengan miedo.(San Juan 14:25-27)
"I have said these things to you while I am still with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid (John 14:25-27).”
En nuestro grupo de miércoles, recién completamos nuestra lectura del libro de los Hechos de los Apóstoles, el libro de que leemos la visita del Espíritu Santo el día de Pentecostés hoy. In our Wednesday Bible Study and service, we just finished reading the book of Acts, the book from which we read the Pentecost story today.
Y en el libro de Hechos escuchamos que este Espíritu que vino para ayudar a todos a escuchar el evangelio continúa su trabajo en nosotros. De hecho, vemos  los apóstoles viajando y compartiendo las buenas nuevas en muchos lugares. Pablo aún se encuentre encarcelado, pero continua de predicar el evangelio.
In the book of Acts we hear how this Spirit that came to help all to understand the gospel continues its work in us today. We see the beginnings of this in the many travels the apostles went on to share the good news. And Paul even ends up in prison and on trial, but he continues to preach the gospel.
Al fin del libro de los Hechos, Pablo continúa de enseñar a la gente sobre Jesús, y no nos dice que pasa con él. At the end of the book of Acts, Paul continues to teach people about Jesus, and then the book ends without telling us what happens to him.
Scholar Justo Gonzalez says this is not by accident that the book of Acts seems open-ended. He shares that since the evangelist Luke is traditionally thought to have written Luke and Acts, they are a pair. “The Gospel of Luke tells us about the actions of Jesus. The book of Acts tells us about the actions of the Holy Spirit. In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus is physically present, but he acts by the power of the Holy Spirit. In the book of Acts, Jesus, although physically absent, is still acting and working through the Holy Spirit. The Gospel of Luke ends with the Ascension. The acts of the Spirit will not end until the Lord returns.”[1]
Es decir que Justo González habla del evangelio de San Lucas y el libro de los Hechos así: “Lucas ha compuesto dos libros: El Evangelio de Lucas y el libro de Hechos. El Evangelio de San Lucas trata de los hechos de Jesús. El libro de los Hechos trata de los hechos del Espíritu Santo. En el Evangelio de Lucas, Jesús obra en persona, pero con el poder del Espíritu Santo. En el libro de Hechos, Jesús sigue obrando a través del Espíritu Santo. El Evangelio de Lucas termina con la ascensión. Los hechos del Espíritu no han de terminar hasta la consumación de los siglos.”[2]
The acts of the Spirit continually surprise and enthrall me. Los hechos del Espíritu continúan de sorprenderme.
In the prayer at ordination, we say a prayer asking God to “let the whole world see and know that things which were cast down are being raised up, and things which had grown old are being made new, and that all things are being brought to their perfection by him through whom all things were made.”
En esta oración, que describe como Dios está obrando en el mundo para renovar a todas las cosas, vemos como Dios nos dirige a su perfección.
In our midst we have so many hopeful things – so many reasons to hope. We see God doing a new thing! Vemos a Dios obrando a través de la iglesia.
We rejoice today because after a long journey Bill Knutson has been ordained. And for that we praise God! Alabamos a Dios por la ordenación de Bill Knutson. And for graduations, and birthdays, for wedding and ordination anniversaries, and most of all for the church whose birthday we celebrate today! Y celebramos los que han graduado, a los cumpleañeros, y los celebrando aniversarios de boda y de ordenación, y ¡sobre todo por la iglesia que cumple años hoy! We have so much to celebrate! Tenemos tanto que celebrar.
But I also have fears at times. As excited as I am for my sabbatical travels, I also will miss the community. Travelling far and wide makes me nervous, even as I look forward to seeing new sights. Tengo miedo a veces. No quiero estar lejos de Ustedes. Estoy nerviosa de viajar lejos. Y los voy a extrañar. Aunque también tengo ganas de ver algo nuevo.
But when I fear, I hear Jesus’ voice today:
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid."
Yo escucho la voz de Jesús, diciendo:
“Les dejo la paz. Les doy mi paz, pero no se la doy como la dan los que son del mundo. No se angustien ni tengan miedo.”
And I try to trust that peace that passes understanding. Because the world will try to fill us with fear. But Jesus says, Do not Fear. El mundo nos quiere llenar de miedo, pero Jesús dice, no tengan miedo.
But be at peace and trust that God is with us. Wherever we are. That the Spirit is guiding us. Will guide All Santos this summer. Yo confío que Dios estará con Ustedes este verano, con los predicadores y celebrantes que van a venir a compartir sus dones. Y que Dios estará con nosotras en nuestros viajes.  I trust that God will be with this community, protecting it. Will guide and protect my family on travels. And bring us safely home.
We trust. Confiamos.    We believe. Creemos.     
We celebrate. Y ¡celebramos!   
And we will not be afraid. Y no tengamos miedo.  Amen!

[1] Justo Gonzalez, Three Months with the Spirit (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2003), 170-171.
[2] Justo González, Tres Meses en la Escuela del Espíritu (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1997), 164.


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