Sabbatical Journal 3 - A meditative walk - Una caminata meditativa
I went on a morning walk, before it gets hot here on Maui, and my goal was to enter a meditative state. Not to walk quickly, but in tune with the earth. I smelled the scent of flowers in the air and greeted those who walked past. Many were in a hurry, rushing to get their morning workout in. But I went slow. I prayed for the many workers already out helping this place be paradise for others. As I walked, I held a Hau Flower, a symbol of impermanence. In the morning it is bright yellow but when it falls off the plant at day's end it is a deep orange, like the one I held. All this beauty is passing. Let us give thanks to God for it.
Many folks on my same path were headed to a resort. I was not. I was headed to a burial ground. I go there just about every trip because this is a way of connecting with old Hawaii, and of giving thanks for those who have gone before. When I was very young they were building this hotel and the workers gave a luau. I was invited up to the party. My mother says they scooped me up into their party and I came back with a lei. Such joy.
Many people golf right next to the burial ground. But I go to give thanks. To God. And in the memory of all the saints of Hawaii, and beyond.
Maybe today you might consider a meditative walk around your neighborhood. Walk slowly. Smell the scents. Greet the neighbors, look for unexpected beauty. Breathe deeply and thank God for whatever blessing comes, like a hau flower in your hand.

Maybe today you might consider a meditative walk around your neighborhood. Walk slowly. Smell the scents. Greet the neighbors, look for unexpected beauty. Breathe deeply and thank God for whatever blessing comes, like a hau flower in your hand.
Hoy fui caminando muy de man(y)ana cuando todavía no hacia tanto calor afuera. Mi intención fue entrar un estado meditativo. Muchos estaban de prisa, tratando de hacer rápidamente su ejercicio matutina. Yo no. Caminaba lento. Olía las flores en al aire y salude a los que estaban en mi camino. Oraba por los que estaban trabajando afuera, haciendo de este lugar un paraíso para otros. Mientras caminaba, llevaba una flor "hau", un símbolo de la falta de permanencia. Esta flor es amarillo en la man(y)ana y en la tarde cae y se pone una naranja, como la que esta en la foto de arriba. Toda belleza pasa. Demos gracias a Dios por ella en el momento.
Mucha gente caminaba hacia un hotel. Yo no. Yo caminaba hacia un cementerio antiguo. Casi cada vez que visito yo trato de venir aqui. Para dar las gracias a Dios por este lugar y para pagar mis respetos a los ancestros de esta isla. Mucha gente juega golf al lado de este cementerio, pero yo tome asiento para un tiempecito para dar las Gracias a Dios. Y para mostrar respeto para todos los santos de Hawaii y en todos partes.
Posiblemente hoy Ud puede considerar tomar una caminata meditativa en su vecindario. Piense en caminar lentamente. En oler cualquier olor, y en saludar a los en su camino. En buscar la belleza inesperada. Respira profundamente y da las gracias a Dios por cualquier bendición que viene. Como una flor "hau" en su mano.
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